☆ 39. The Grand Finale (Part 2)

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The Grand Finale (Part 2)

The truth is often boring, while fabricating lies may be exciting but full of loopholes. The most convincing language in the world is often a mixture of truth and lies, especially the lies that capture people's interest. Doubts spread through the crowd like smoke, causing even those who initially firmly believed that the Jiang father and son were colluding with others to sing a duet to begin to waver.

Why is the renowned Yanyu Tower Master such a young successor in the martial world, especially a female with innate deficiencies? Can she really live up to it. . . If she can't, has she used some means in secret?

As people whispered to each other, a low female voice transmitted through internal force suddenly took the lead. Accompanied by an inappropriate opening, Master Xiao descended from the sky, as if appearing out of thin air on the stone floor outside the hall.

Jiang Xu led the crowd out, drawing his sword as he confronted Xiao Yan on the spot.

No matter how arrogant Master Xiao may be, she could not have come alone to the Yanyu Tower, which had become a dangerous place. After she settled down, Shen Ying led her disciples out from behind the screen.

Looking at this situation, regardless of the authenticity of the situation, the two forces within the Yanyu Tower were already at odds. Everyone present showed astonishment and shock on their faces, never expecting that what was supposed to be a celebration of an alliance would suddenly change, forcing them to become unwilling witnesses.

There was a feeling of being inexplicably deceived.

Jiang Xu's eyebrows furrowed, pointing his sword towards Xiao Yan's throat, and said firmly, "How dare you come here!"

Xiao Yan smiled, appearing elegant yet not frivolous. Her eyes were like water, first scanning the people from below, with a hint of disdain and mockery in her gaze, "I was appointed as the Tower Master. Why wouldn't I dare?"

Jiang Xu sneered coldly, "For your own selfish gain, colluding with the notorious demon sect, attempting to use the Central Plains forces as a cover to exchange for the demon sect's techniques, your actions are despicable!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan couldn't help but laugh.

She said word by word, "You seem abnormal now. Axu, you've changed."

Jiang Xu was about to retort but was interrupted by Xiao Yan, who continued, "Look at you, so emotional and convincing. It's so realistic that even I almost believed it. We grew up together, yet I didn't know you were a born actor."

Jiang Xu exclaimed, "You!"

Xiao Yan shook her head and smiled, "But I think although you are hypocritical, you shouldn't have such high talent." With a serious tone, she locked eyes with him, as if seeing through his soul.

Jiang Xu was inexplicably stunned by her gaze, momentarily lost in thought, unable to respond.

Xiao Yan continued, "I see that you've even deceived yourself with your lies. Perhaps you should recall whether the Soul-capturing Demon Melody of the Purple Lotus Demon is really that pleasant. . ."

Jiang Xu's pupils contracted, the irises trembling in his eye sockets, cold sweat pouring down his body. After a moment, a look of shock and disbelief appeared in his eyes, as he turned to look at Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan remained calm, meeting his gaze with a serene expression, and said, "Axu, don't listen to her nonsense."

Axu's face twisted slightly, his eyes showing signs of struggle but quickly settling down. He gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Yan, I used to respect you as the leader, and I even treated you like a sister from the bottom of my heart. But if you insist on going your own way, don't blame me for not cherishing our past friendship."

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