Chapter 16 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

At first, Chen Bao'er hadn't come to his senses yet, only feeling that his calf was touching something neither soft nor hard. When he realized it, he found that his calf was indeed against Xiao Yan's body.

It turned out that the space inside the room was narrow, and the area with straw was limited. Xiao Yan sat beside Chen Bao'er, inevitably having some physical contact. Chen Bao'er quickly retracted his leg and stood up like a spring.

"Host, I. . ." His breathing was a bit rapid, probably due to the hot weather.

Chen Bao'er looked around and found himself in an unfamiliar and quiet place. In this desolate mountain, the air was filled with the fragrance of bamboo and wood from Xiao Yan's body. Although this scent was light and pleasant, the impact of the Gan Yuan fragrance on the Kun Ze couldn't be summarized with just two words.

The Gan Kun fragrance was usually restrained and not obvious, otherwise, when Gan and Kun met, it would be like thunder and fire, and the world would be in chaos. Xiao Yan's current situation, if it wasn't intentional, could only be explained by having some thoughts in her heart.

Chen Bao'er didn't understand much about these things, but the scent on Xiao Yan still made him feel uneasy.

The remnants of the fire pit emitted an orange light, reflecting Xiao Yan's serious face.

"There's some food here, you can have it for now." Her voice sounded a bit unnatural, as if her throat was tight.

She handed him the pastry that Shen Ying had left for Chen Bao'er, and he quickly took it and started eating.

Shen Ying's seasoning was well done, and the pastry was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The taste was actually quite good. Chen Bao'er was probably really hungry because at first, he was still refined and delicate, but after taking a few bites, his appetite was aroused, and he didn't care about anything else.

Xiao Yan silently watched by the side, seeing him bow his head and eat the pastry under the dim light, suddenly feeling a familiar sensation, as if some long-buried memories were about to emerge.

Just at this moment, Chen Bao'er finished eating the pastry in his hand and instinctively licked the crumbs and seasoning left on his hand.

Xiao Yan saw his action and subconsciously swallowed her saliva.

"There's still half left here, you can have it." Although she was asking, she directly handed him the half-eaten pastry.

Chen Bao'er glanced at it and knew that it was Xiao Yan's leftovers. Thinking back to the last time when she had willingly let him use her bowl, he felt a bit uncomfortable in his heart-this person really didn't care about appearances, does she think I wouldn't mind?

Seeing Chen Bao'er's hesitation, Xiao Yan seemed to realize something. She broke off a piece that she had bitten and threw it into her own mouth.

"In the past, I used to bite from the same pastry and gnaw on the same piece of meat with the brothers in the building. I got used to it and forgot for a moment."

Since the conversation has reached this point, if Chen Bao'er refuses again, it will appear affected. So he silently took the remaining half of the roasted pancake that Xiao Yan broke off and slowly ate it by his mouth.

Although the current situation is as silent as when Shen Ying was present before, Xiao Yan suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable with this quietness.

As the saying goes, fortunes change quickly. In just a moment, the person who had nothing to say became Xiao Yan again.

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