Chapter 32 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang's first release

Xiao Louzhu's room is not big but empty, without any decoration befitting her status as a prominent figure. There are no tables, chairs, cabinets, or desks, only an old lacquered wooden bed and a dark blue coarse cloth curtain separating the inner room, unknown what is inside.

The gauze curtain hangs halfway, making it unclear if there is anyone on the bed. Chen Bao'er just stepped into the room when the door behind him was "thoughtfully" closed. He hesitated in his steps, not daring to look around, only glancing inside and quickly lowering his head.

He clasped his hands, fingers fidgeting back and forth, exuding an indescribable sense of helplessness.

"Who is it. . ."

Xiao Yan's voice came from behind the curtain, somewhat muffled and weak, as if she were very frail at the sound of it.

Chen Bao'er pursed his lips, his feet rooted in place.

"It's me, Louzhu."

It suddenly became quiet on Xiao Yan's side, and after a while, accompanied by the sound of water, she spoke again, "Why is it you? Why did you come?"

As she spoke, the rushing sound of water became more pronounced, as if someone struggling to get up from being immersed in water. The sound of water incessantly disturbed Chen Bao'er's thoughts, making him increasingly restless.

A loud thud followed by Xiao Yan's muffled groan completely brought Chen Bao'er back to his senses. He rushed in with three quick steps, seeing Xiao Yan leaning wetly against the bathtub. The water in the tub had no warmth, but her face had a sickly flush. Her white undergarment clung tightly to her body, revealing every delicate curve, and the slightly open neckline hinted at hidden depths, causing Chen Bao'er's gaze to become fixated. After a few moments, he abruptly turned his head, as if awakening from a daze.

Xiao Yan had a faint smile on her face, shallow and appearing weak and tired. She opened her mouth and sighed softly, "The floor was too slippery, and in a moment of carelessness, I made a fool of myself in front of you."

Chen Bao'er felt his heart tighten at the sight of her complexion, sensing that her condition must be extremely serious.

"Louzhu, what happened to you. . ." He wanted to ask why she, being weak, would immerse herself in cold water while wearing wet clothes, but he felt it was unnecessary. There must be a reason for her actions, and besides, if she were not wearing clothes, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing for him to see her naked?

"Come over and help me, I might have sprained my waist just now." Xiao Yan had no intention of explaining, naturally raising her hand towards Chen Bao'er, indicating for him to assist.

Chen Bao'er responded with a sound and walked over to Xiao Yan.

As soon as he reached out, Chen Bao'er's body sank, and Xiao Yan, without any reservation, pressed her water-soaked body against him, quickly soaking half of Chen Bao'er's clothes.

Their bodies were similar in size, and with Xiao Yan tilting her head, leaning against Chen Bao'er's shoulder, her slightly taller stature caused her nose to brush against the side of Chen Bao'er's face.

She chuckled softly, her breath brushing past his ear, causing Chen Bao'er to shudder.

"Master, I can't hold on much longer."

Xiao Yan's fragrance was sometimes strong and sometimes faint. It was almost imperceptible when she entered the room earlier, but now it was so strong that it overwhelmed Chen Bao'er. Standing a dozen steps away, he was so exhausted that he could barely catch his breath.

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