Chapter 28 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang's first release

Chen Bao'er's mind was in chaos, and it gradually calmed down only after running far away.

He recalled Xiao Yan's actions towards him, and his heart surged again.

She kissed him. . . What did she mean? Was it to make him happy. . . But why couldn't he dislike her?

And then there was the explanation afterwards, was she teasing him or not wanting him to misunderstand?

Xiao Yan, does she really care about his thoughts?

Chen Bao'er's mind was in turmoil, ideas came one after another, but quickly denied by himself.

He faced the night wind filled with moisture, forcing himself to be sober, repeatedly reminding himself to understand his identity.

Hasn't he had enough of the taste of being abandoned and betrayed by someone he thought was close?

Xiao Yan, with a smile on her face, disappeared into the night as Chen Bao'er ran after her. She stared for a while, reluctantly turned back to her room. Her heart couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement, as if a long-cherished wish had been fulfilled, and she looked a bit excited and uneasy, unable to stop pacing back and forth in the room.

Thinking of the shallow kiss just now, Xiao Yan instinctively touched her lips, remembering the soft and warm touch, as well as Chen Bao'er's flustered but unresisting gaze. Her heart softened, unable to suppress her pride, and her lips curled up again, unable to contain it.

Xiao Yan happily waited for a while, but couldn't help but worry. Bao'er said he was preparing food for her, but he had already been gone for so long. Could it be that he was too shy to come back? She couldn't help but regret and reflect on her impulsive action just now, it was indeed a bit abrupt, maybe she scared away the beautiful person by being too forceful.

Xiao, the host, couldn't bear it in her heart, but it wasn't convenient for her to take the initiative to find the other person. She could only pace back and forth in the room dozens of times, as if she was going to wear out the soles of her shoes. In the end, she couldn't stand it anymore and planned to go out and find an excuse to bring the person back. Just as she was about to push the door, there was finally movement outside the courtyard. Xiao, the host, quickly pressed against the crack of the door, eager to see who was coming.

Sure enough, it was Chen Bao'er who came back.

He held a lacquered wooden food box in his hand, slightly lowered his head, and in the dark night, his expression couldn't be seen clearly. His steps were slightly hesitant, but he didn't deliberately linger.

As the person approached, Xiao, the host, agilely took a few steps back, blinking and giving up her position at the door. When Chen Bao'er pushed open the slightly ajar door and came in, he saw Xiao Yan sitting at the table, holding a scripture scroll, seemingly reading it seriously. If he had carefully looked at it at that time, he would have noticed that the cover of the book was a turned-over "Six Strategies". Unfortunately, Chen Bao'er was restless and didn't see through Xiao, the host's pretense.

Chen Bao'er's eyes dimmed when he saw the other person's calm appearance as if nothing had happened. He lowered his head and pursed his lips, skillfully arranging the food from the food box.

Xiao Yan secretly glanced over with the corner of her eye, only to see that he had placed a plate of layered steamed pancakes with meat sauce, a bowl of egg drop vegetable soup, and a plate of thinly sliced pork on the table.

The steamed buns and vegetable soup were emitting steaming hot air, and the braised meat had the perfect color, exuding a burst of meaty fragrance. Chen Bao'er lowered his eyebrows and eyes, appearing even more delicate and handsome under the candlelight.

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