Chapter 9 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

Xiao Yan held a long sword in her hand, and after collecting her momentum, she placed the three-foot green blade behind her. She turned her head slightly and glanced at Chen Bao'er in the morning light, whispering softly, "Do you think I'm a street performer? How dare you call me 'great'?"

Her expression seemed like a smile, but her eyes were not cold, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

Chen Bao'er realized his loss of composure, panicked in his heart, and stuttered as he tried to explain, "I didn't. . ." He lowered his head, trying to appear submissive, attempting to make the other party overlook his previous impropriety.

Hearing that this Xiao Louzhu was cold-hearted and had a very bad temper, Chen Bao'er had only met her once and had not yet tasted where her "bad temper" was. However, in the past few days, Shen Zhong had repeatedly emphasized to him not to provoke Xiao Yan, as the consequences would be very serious.

In fact, Shen Zhong was worried that Chen Bao'er unintentionally offended Xiao Yan, causing her to dislike him and drive him away, ruining the arrangements he had carefully planned. Therefore, he repeatedly warned Chen Bao'er, often exaggerating, which led to Xiao Yan becoming a capricious character in Chen Bao'er's mind.

Seeing the other party becoming inexplicably nervous, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel that Kunze was too delicate and couldn't even take a joke. She felt a sense of boredom, but asked, "Do you like this?"

Chen Bao'er nodded obediently, but unexpectedly, his arm was suddenly grabbed by the other party, who even moved his fingers to pinch it. The other party's hand followed his wrist, pinching his muscles and joints through his clothes. Just as Chen Bao'er reacted and was about to break free, the other party unexpectedly withdrew their hand.

Chen Bao'er: ". . ."

Xiao Yan said seriously, "Show me a horse stance." As she spoke, she worried that the other party wouldn't understand, so she demonstrated the basic horse stance seriously.

Chen Bao'er saw the other party's legs spread apart, body sinking down, the movement was simple, and the posture was stable like a mountain.

He couldn't help but follow suit.

Xiao Yan stood up straight and lightly patted the other party's shoulder.

"Lower a bit." Then she circled around the other party, patting Chen Bao'er's back and lower back, and even lightly kicked his calf on one side. Chen Bao'er's body swayed, and just as Xiao Yan was about to reach out to support him, she saw him grit his teeth and quickly straighten up. A hint of admiration appeared in Xiao Yan's eyes.

Chen Bao'er didn't understand, but still followed suit. However, he didn't expect that this simple movement, although easy to do, would make his waist, hips, and especially his thighs ache and swell after a while. But since the other party didn't say to stop, he endured it, clenching his teeth and straightening his jawline, and soon his face turned red.

Xiao Yan thought to herself, "This little guy is stubbornly cute."

"Your aptitude is not bad. If you like, I can find someone to teach you a few moves. Although it will be difficult to achieve great success in the future, it can help strengthen your body and provide some self-defense in daily life."

Chen Bao'er's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Really!" Then he became somewhat self-doubting, "But I'm already eighteen. . ."

Xiao Yan chuckled softly, "Of course it's true, why would I lie to you?"

Seeing the other party's surprise and hesitation, Xiao Yan patiently explained, "Your body is special. Although your strength may not be as good as an average man's, you are stronger than an average woman, and you also possess the flexibility of Kunze. In a sense, you have a unique advantage in practicing agility."

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