Chapter 30 - Jinjiang first release (Bug Catcher)

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Jinjiang First Release (Bug Catching)

After hearing Xiao Yan's cold reprimand, the group of elite disciples wearing masks visibly hesitated. Jiang Xu stood behind everyone and angrily shouted, "The host went crazy while practicing, already killing Master Shen. Why aren't you taking action?"

Xiao Yan coldly replied, "Shen Ying has deeply learned her uncle's teachings. It's not easy to secretly plot against her." She speculated that the other party intended to plot against Shen Ying and then frame her for the crime. However, today's events happened suddenly, so they probably hadn't succeeded yet.

Jiang Xu's eyes turned cold, and he angrily said, "The three of us grew up together. Why do you trust her and not me?"

Xiao Yan sneered, "You have the audacity to say that. Your thick skin is truly astonishing."

Before her words fell, Xiao Yan suddenly stood up, holding the Suihe Sword tightly in reverse grip against her chest. With a swift waist turn and a powerful jump, she moved like lightning and wind, swiftly spinning in the crowd, forcing the sharpness of the Suihe Sword to its extreme.

This unstoppable attack made everyone afraid to face her, and Jiang Xu's subordinates who had gathered around hastily scattered, disrupting their formation.

Jiang Xu spat, "Idiots! Useless!"

Xiao Yan's profound martial arts skills immediately intimidated Jiang Xu's subordinates, and they were subsequently punished. They couldn't help but look at each other. However, they were the elite disciples cultivated by the Jiang family for many years, so they quickly regrouped and raised their swords to confront Xiao Yan.

However, Xiao Yan didn't even spare them a glance. Her eyes gleamed with brilliance as her body moved like a snake, and her long sword, Ling She, struck with speed and precision towards Jiang Xu. The Suihe Sword seemed to be in sync with her thoughts, creating an unparalleled realm within the crowd, and its sharpness carried an overwhelming force towards Jiang Xu.

In just a blink of an eye, Jiang Xu didn't have time to react. He only felt a strong sword energy brushing past his face, causing his skin to sting. Instinctively, he leaned back to avoid it.


A mocking laughter filled Jiang Xu's ears. The fluctuating tone of the voice was unpredictable, and the owner of the voice seemed to be very confident.

Xiao Yan's sarcastic words sounded in his ear, "I've told you before that you should practice more, but unfortunately, you always treat my words as if they were nothing. You are far inferior to Shen Ying."

Jiang Xu instinctively raised his sword to block, but the opponent seemed to feint, with a light and playful force, as if playing a game. Their swords clashed together as they responded to each other's attacks, creating a piercing sound of metal friction.

Seeing the two entangled in combat, the disciples around them hesitated to intervene. Only one person behind Xiao Yan attempted to attack from the empty space behind her. As the attacker thrust their sword, they were intercepted midway, losing their direction and barely grazing Xiao Yan's left arm.

In this critical moment, Xiao Yan caught a glimpse of Chen Bao'er coming to her aid. With all his strength, he struck out, but lacking experience, he had no sense of measure and ended up freezing in place after a successful strike.

Chen Bao'er, who was being ignored, instantly gained the attention of everyone present. Soon, two disciples raised their swords and attacked him.

As the opponent's sword was about to pierce through, Xiao Yan's heart suddenly trembled, and her hand gripping the handle of the Suihe Sword tightened involuntarily.

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