Chapter 7 - Jinjiang Original

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Jinjiang Original

As soon as Chen Er heard this, his face instantly turned three shades redder. Xiao Yan felt that the expression on his face was complex and fascinating, as if he was enduring humiliation and carrying a heavy burden.

"Did you soak your head in cold water? Why are you so cautious and resistant when you see me?" Xiao Yan couldn't understand where his vigilance and resistance came from. And looking at his bold and slightly resentful eyes, it didn't seem like he was scared.

This Kunze looked thin and timid, but the look in his eyes when he tried to hit the wall just now was so determined and sharp. Clearly, she had saved him, but he behaved as if he didn't know any better. However, Xiao Yan didn't think he was ungrateful, but rather found him interesting. It was truly strange.

". . ." Chen Er opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. He wanted to question why the other person took advantage of his vulnerability, but considering his own identity, he felt that it didn't make sense to say that. In the end, he could only ask with a brave face, "Did you mark me last night?"

After all, he was Kunze. If he was marked by Ganyuan, he would probably never have a chance to leave in this lifetime.

After hearing this, Xiao Yan was completely puzzled, thinking, "What a mess."

"Who marked you? I just generously saved your life, and you repay me with ingratitude!" Speaking up to this point, Xiao Yan couldn't help but get a little excited. She tried to clear her name, but couldn't help but think to herself: What the hell, even though I took off your clothes, I didn't have any intention of taking advantage of you. Besides, except for your waist, which still has some appeal, the rest of your body is like a skeleton, completely devoid of any attractiveness. And yet, you still want to blame me?

Hearing the other person's straightforward denial, Chen Er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his tense shoulders relaxed. As his body relaxed, he suddenly realized that he was not properly dressed. Looking down, he saw that his chest was barely covered by the white silk nightgown.

Chen Er had never had a full meal since he was young, but he had done a lot of work. After all, he was a man, so although he couldn't be considered strong, he still had some toughness. Although he looked very thin, there was a thin layer of muscle between his chest and abdomen, without any excess fat. With even a slight movement, the texture of his muscles would be revealed. Although he looked dry, he was not weak at all. As for Xiao Yan's previous thoughts, she was actually a bit unfair to him.

After receiving the other person's clarification, Chen Er finally came back to his senses and realized that it was inappropriate to be in the same room with a Ganyuan while being improperly dressed. He quickly adjusted his collar, but found that the nightgown was a bit tight.

"This is. . ."

Seeing him suddenly become awkward, Xiao Yan couldn't help but find it amusing.

"This is mine, do you dare to find fault with it?"

As soon as he heard this, Chen Er's face instantly turned hot, his lips trembled, but he didn't know what to say.

Xiao Yan secretly thought: Oh, this little brat must be finding fault with me. She felt a bit displeased in her heart and sneered, "This is new, I haven't worn it before." As she said that, she looked him up and down, and continued, "You seem tall, but your body is as thin as a stick. Even if you are Kunze, you are still too weak."

After hearing this, Chen Er suddenly felt his face burning even more. He had been weaker than ordinary boys since he was young, and his appearance was also delicate and beautiful, so he often became the target of ridicule and bullying. His parents and in-laws never cared about him, so he had suffered a lot since he was young. He knew that he couldn't match others in strength, couldn't do heavy work, but in order to please his parents and in-laws, he tried to make up for his shortcomings by being diligent. If he couldn't carry a full bucket of water, he would make two trips. It was nothing serious. Unfortunately, his efforts were always in vain and he was never taken seriously.

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