Chapter 6 - Jinjiang Original

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Jinjiang Original

Xiao Louzhu doesn't think she has done anything remarkable. After all, the other party is already serving her as a lord, and he has been married before to a woman who is not very promising. According to reason, he shouldn't be so thin-skinned.

But unexpectedly, the other party is not like that at all. Xiao Yan teased a few more times and suddenly realized that there was no movement behind her. It was as if the person had stopped breathing. She couldn't help but turn her head curiously, only to find that the other party's face was as red as a cooked shrimp, their body stiff and motionless, and their expression was indescribably shocked. The look in their eyes was full of anger, and it seemed like they were about to turn against her ungratefully.

Xiao Yan tilted her head and thought to herself that this guy must have taken the wrong medicine.

She furrowed her eyebrows, instantly exuding a bit of the aloof aura that comes with being the master of Yan Yu Lou. Although her sharpness had not been revealed, even a gentle sweep of her gaze made Kunze, who was on the bed, shiver.

Chen Er instantly regained his senses, suppressing his emotions and stuttering, "Who are you?"

Xiao Yan felt a burst of laughter in her heart when she saw his appearance. Strangely, she didn't feel repulsed, but instead felt a mischievous thought arise.

She gave a cold smile, seeming somewhat malicious. "What do you think? Yesterday, you were clinging to me and wouldn't let go." Here's what happened: After Xiao Yan brought the person back, she herself was sweating profusely from the stimulation, and her fragrance unknowingly spread, causing Kunze, who was moved by his emotions, to find it even harder to restrain himself. At that time, although Chen Er had completely lost consciousness, he instinctively tried to get closer to her. The result, of course, was a merciless rejection. After all, Xiao Louzhu, who was as cold as a stone, was not so easily awakened.

Chen Er was extremely intimidated by her sharp gaze, and suddenly became somewhat at a loss. He clenched the blanket with both hands, lowered his head, and bit his lip, appearing fearful and helpless.

Xiao Yan felt an indescribable sense of strangeness from his reaction. If it were one of the disciples in the building, she would have probably slapped him already. But in the case of the other party, it didn't provoke her anger, but instead made her feel pity. Somehow, the words "I pity you when I see you" suddenly flashed in Xiao Louzhu's mind, which was surprising but fitting.

Just as Xiao Yan thought that the other party was about to cry from being bullied by her and was preparing to explain, she didn't expect that the little Kunze on the opposite side would make a decision that surprised her.

She saw the other party suddenly throw off the blanket, disregarding their disheveled appearance, and suddenly got up from the bed, rushing towards the corner of the table.

Xiao Yan's expression froze instantly, and she herself became dumbfounded in an instant. Fortunately, her instinctive reaction was fast enough, and since the other party was weak due to their illness, she managed to stop them, not even scratching their oily skin.

Xiao Louzhu was completely bewildered, allowing Chen Er to struggle weakly. She held onto his arms like iron clamps and didn't let go.

"What are you doing?!" Xiao Louzhu, who usually liked to lower her voice and appear profound, became angry, almost breaking her voice.

Chen Er was stunned by her shout, completely frozen, and actually didn't move.

Xiao Yan looked at his pained expression and couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive. Did she really do something terribly wrong? But it didn't seem like it, she even saved him.

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