Chapter 22 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

Xiao Yan held a sugar painting that she bought on a whim, lowered her head and took a look. She saw a caramel-colored flying dragon made of fine bamboo skewers, coiling around a pillar with a fierce appearance.

"This thing is unexpectedly impressive." Xiao Yan praised without hesitation, giving her evaluation of the expensive sugar painting she bought. As soon as she finished speaking, she opened her mouth and with a snap, bit off the dragon's head along with a small portion of its body.

Perhaps because Xiao Yan ate too vigorously, the fragile sugar body couldn't bear the weight and split in half. One part went into her mouth, while the majority fell off onto the ground.

Chen Bao'er had just bitten off a dragon whisker, and if one didn't look closely, they would think the sugar dragon still had all its whiskers and tail. However, Xiao Yan was left with only a bare bamboo skewer in her hand.

The value of this sugar painting was extraordinary, but it just fell apart like that. Chen Bao'er couldn't help but feel a pang of pain.

Xiao Yan didn't care and said, "Oops, it fell off."

Actually, it was good that it fell off. She didn't like eating it anyway, and holding it in her hand was just a burden.

While saying this, she crunched the sugar in her mouth, not even bothering to taste it, and swallowed it directly. Because she ate too quickly, she even choked a bit.

Seeing how decisively she ate it, Chen Bao'er thought she liked it, so he kindly asked,

"Master, shall I go back and buy another one for you?"

Xiao Yan's throat was uncomfortable, and she quickly shook her head, "No need, it's too much trouble."

This thing was too sweet, there definitely shouldn't be a next time. But she thought Chen Bao'er liked it, so she couldn't directly say she didn't like it. Instead, she physically pulled him forward, indicating that there was no need to turn back and trouble themselves.

Unexpectedly, Chen Bao'er hesitated for a moment and continued, "Then, why don't you eat mine?"

Xiao Yan instinctively wanted to refuse, but when she turned around and saw Chen Bao'er's sincere eyes, her words changed, "Why aren't you eating it?"

Chen Bao'er then realized that the sugar painting in his hand had already been eaten. How absent-minded was he to say such words?

But once words are spoken, they are like water poured out. Faced with her immediate superior, how could he casually retract his words? He felt embarrassed and could only hope that Xiao Yan hadn't noticed that he had already eaten it. If she did notice, he hoped she wouldn't take offense to his unintentional words.

The original poster probably won't stoop to the same level or seriously want their own sugar painting. . . right?

Xiao Yan unexpectedly didn't follow the usual routine and directly turned around to lightly bite Chen Bao'er's hand on the sugar painting, breaking a few strands of sugar.

Chen Bao'er felt his heart flutter and became extremely nervous.

Because Xiao Yan bit the same spot where he had eaten, does she know that he had already eaten there?

He wasn't sure if Xiao Yan did it on purpose, although it was unlikely, but Xiao Yan's gaze towards him was indeed a bit strange.

Chen Bao'er couldn't help but recall the time they had shared a pastry, but back then it was in the wilderness without many considerations, completely different from the current situation.

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