Chapter 15 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

It is not entirely appropriate to say that Chen Bao'er fainted completely without any perception. Perhaps it was because of exerting too much force for a moment, causing the blood to surge and being startled, resulting in dizziness and blacking out.

Shen Ying was startled and quickly reached out to catch him. As soon as her arm was halfway extended, she realized that something was not quite right. She felt as if someone was staring at her with a cold gaze, sending chills down her spine.

But it wouldn't be appropriate for this weak and skinny Kunze to fall to the ground in front of so many people. It would make her appear "ineffective" if he were to hit or bump into something. Shen Ying flipped her longbow and slung it onto her back, extending her arm to support Chen Bao'er's shoulder while keeping him as far away from her as possible. However, Chen Bao'er's body was completely limp. Although Shen Ying had martial arts training, she was just an average woman and her arm strength was not enough to support him for long. Moreover, as soon as she held him, she realized that despite his thinness, he was quite tall and heavier than she had imagined.

"Louzhu!" Shen Ying cast a pleading look at Xiao Yan, as if Chen Bao'er in front of her had become a hot potato. She couldn't let go of him, but catching him would be detrimental to her.

Xiao Yan looked at her expressionlessly, then turned and coldly said something to Xue Cai.

"You better know what's good for you, otherwise your fate won't be as easy as those three."

As she spoke, she swiftly sealed off the opponent's acupoints, and her eyes signaled her disciple to take the person away. Xue Cai glanced lightly at the three fresh corpses on the ground, without saying a word, but nodded in understanding.

In the next moment, Shen Ying didn't even realize how the other person suddenly appeared beside her. She felt her arms relax, and Chen Bao'er, who was in a daze, was already being held horizontally by Xiao Yan.

Chen Bao'er and Xiao Yan were not much different in size. Although Xiao Yan, as a female Qianyuan, had an imposing aura, her body was not particularly strong. But now, as she looked at Chen Bao'er being held in her arms, he seemed as light as a piece of paper.

Chen Bao'er was in a daze and unable to control himself. His body felt as soft as a pool of spring water, so weak that he couldn't even open his eyelids. But there was still a trace of perception remaining, feeling his body being lifted high and then sensing the warmth of a person in the hot summer air.

Being close to someone on a scorching summer day should have been a very unpleasant experience, but the person emitted a faint scent of bamboo and wood, making Chen Bao'er feel a sense of intoxication. This scent inexplicably made him feel a sense of peace, causing the last bit of resistance in his mind to relax, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Ying ordered someone to escort Xue Cai away, then turned to Xiao Yan and asked, "Louzhu, it's getting late. We might have to spend the night here."

Xiao Yan lowered her gaze and looked at Chen Bao'er, noticing that his face was unusually red. She ignored Shen Ying's question as if she hadn't heard it and asked, "Did he catch a fever? Why is his face so red?"

Shen Ying leaned over and saw that Chen Bao'er's originally fair cheeks had a rosy tint, as if they were lightly powdered with blush. She was not a doctor, and their brief contact was through their clothes, so she didn't notice anything unusual.

"It just looks like his face is a bit red. If he has a fever, his forehead should be warm. Why don't you reach out and feel it yourself, Louzhu?"

Xiao Yan held Chen Bao'er in her arms, and even if she didn't exert any force, she couldn't take out a hand to test his forehead temperature. She glared at Shen Ying, thinking that her subordinate who suggested this idea wasn't very bright.

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