Chapter 25 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

Xiao Yan asked tentatively while paying attention to the changes in Bao'er's expression. Seeing him remain silent, she understood in her heart: she was indeed too hasty.

She smiled and was about to say that her previous words were just a joke, but before she could speak, she saw Chen Bao'er nod quietly and obediently.

This was like dropping cold water into hot oil, causing Xiao Yan's heart to explode.

She quickly swallowed her words and eagerly held Chen Bao'er's hand. Unexpectedly, he flinched as if he had been shocked. This subtle movement instantly made Xiao Yan calm down: she should take it easy and not be too eager after gaining an advantage, like a beggar who suddenly struck gold.

She softly said, "Don't be nervous. Dr. Yao also said that your health is not good and you need Qianyuanxin Incense for conditioning. Isn't this a win-win situation for both of us? Don't worry, I have arranged a separate room in my residence with a long couch. You can temporarily bear with it tonight, and I will have someone tidy it up tomorrow. Although we are in the same room, we are not sharing a bed, so there's no need to feel restrained."

Xiao Yan suppressed the impulse to share a bed and pillow with the beautiful person, and pretended to give Chen Bao'er a separate area in her room. She really wanted to give up her own bed, but she felt that such a gesture would be too unreasonable and would only increase Chen Bao'er's suspicion and pressure.

When she lay back on the bed, her exhausted body inexplicably became excited, as if there was a faint tea fragrance in the air. Xiao Yan tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, and finally resorted to covering her head tightly with the blanket, hoping to suffocate herself and pass out.

Chen Bao'er, who was separated from her by a carved wooden screen, also couldn't sleep, but he didn't dare to move. Because Xiao Yan was a master in both internal and external martial arts, Chen Bao'er was afraid of causing a disturbance and disturbing her.

He didn't understand why he agreed to Xiao's request, but he knew very well that it wasn't just because of her orders. For some reason, he didn't dislike this closeness, and even felt an unprecedented desire. He wanted to be close to someone, he wanted someone to care for him, and Xiao Yan treated him well. He wanted to be closer to her, and if he could really help her, it would be even better.

The next day, when they saw each other, they both had dark circles under their eyes and awkwardly smiled without mentioning their poor sleep from the previous night.

Chen Bao'er's habit of staying overnight in the host's bedroom spread like wildfire.

Two days later, Xiao Yan and Shen Ying went out for something, and along the way, Xiao Louzhu appeared to be worried and looked a bit listless.

On this day, Chen Bao'er did not accompany her, which was really rare. Shen Tangzhu couldn't help but think about it, especially seeing Xiao Louzhu's distracted appearance.

"Sigh. . ."

Xiao Louzhu sighed, looking full of worries. Since the other party had already shown such obvious signs in front of her, Shen Tangzhu, who was a "thoughtful" subordinate, felt it necessary to show concern, otherwise the host might prepare some trouble for her.

"Louzhu, do you have any worries recently?"

Xiao Yan glanced at her with a cold and mysterious look, then closed her eyes and subtly nodded.

"But is it related to Chen Shijun?" Shen Ying was also very curious. Because she stood closer than others, she knew a little more about the situation between these two people, and it was not as close as rumors had it. So when she asked, she unknowingly brought her buried curiosity into the conversation.

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