Is this a scam?

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Is this a staged accident?

After Xiao Yan lifted the person up and casually dropped them on the ground, she quickly stepped back. She first lowered her head to wipe the water off her hands, then slightly raised her head to glance at the collapsed and trembling male Kunze lying on the ground.

Seeing that there was no sign of the other person getting up from the ground for a long time, their breath becoming more chaotic but weaker, Xiao Yan had a vague sense that something was not right, estimating that the other person couldn't rely on themselves to go back. After pondering for a moment, she hesitated and approached a little closer, slowing down her tone as she asked, "Are you still able to move?"

Wow, she didn't know until she got close. Xiao Yan just bent down and almost got overwhelmed by the strong fragrance emanating from the other person.

It turns out that when Xiao Yan lifted the person up earlier, she was fast and stable, but it wasn't very obvious because the person had just been pulled out of the cold water. Now that they had been on the shore for a while, Xiao Yan got closer all at once, which made her fully realize it.

So that's how it is, so that's how it is! He actually waited here to trick her.

Xiao Yan never expected that she would encounter a staged accident just because she couldn't sleep and went out for a walk in the middle of the night. Understanding this, Xiao Yan quickly took a big step back, creating a distance of more than ten feet between her and Kunze on the ground.

She should have turned around and left, letting the other person mourn their own failure in the cold wind. However, just as she was about to take a step, an image of a pale and weak face involuntarily appeared in Xiao Yan's mind. If no one took care of him, it seemed like he wouldn't live long.

Damn, this kid is really playing a big game, he's actually fearless.

Taking advantage of the moonlight in the sky, Xiao Yan turned her head and looked. Even from a distance of more than ten feet, she could clearly see the weak state of the other person, even the wet hair sticking to their body was revealing their fragility. Xiao Yan pondered in her heart that it seemed a bit cruel to just leave like this.

Just then, a gust of night wind blew by, bringing a fresh fragrance. The scent was like the finest Biluochun tea boiling in hot water, sweet and pure, with a touch of freshness.

Each Kunze had a different fragrance, but the majority of them had a sweet floral scent, especially during the tide. However, the scent of this small Kunze curled up on the ground, seemingly on the verge of death, was not too overwhelming. As Xiao Yan smelled it, she didn't find it unpleasant, but rather felt a bit thirsty.

Her heart suddenly softened, thinking that the other person was at least nominally hers, and no matter what, she couldn't just watch him lose his life. She held her breath and walked towards the other person, carefully observing him. She noticed that he had a slender figure, even though he was curled up, his lines were still elegant. His clothes were quite normal, without any indecent parts, but now they were soaked by water, clinging tightly to his body. Although it couldn't compare to a woman's curvaceous figure, the narrow and thin waistline and the straight shoulders had a somewhat pleasing appearance, but his body was indeed very thin.

Xiao Yan glanced at him and teased, "With such a thin body, are you really a man?"

Chen Er was in a daze, naturally unable to refute, and didn't even hear what the other person was saying. Right now, he only had one question in his mind: Am I about to die?

He felt that his body was extremely cold, unable to stop trembling, but his heart was beating rapidly, his breath short and urgent. It felt as if he had become a fish out of water, breathing heavily with great effort, but the emptiness in his chest became more and more apparent, as if he would suffocate if he slowed down even a little.

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