Chapter 12 - Jinjiang first release

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First release in Jinjiang

Xiao Louzhu has always been a decisive person, but now he wants to change his mind. He just said he wanted to teach martial arts before the incense burned halfway, but in the blink of an eye, he changed his mind and said he wanted to go eat. Chen Bao'er didn't dare to object and could only force himself to accompany him.

On the martial arts field, Xiao Yan noticed that Chen Bao'er was not in good spirits. He was sweating profusely with just a slight movement of his legs. She speculated that he had recently recovered from a serious illness and was weak. Xiao Yan silently observed him and noticed that although Chen Bao'er had a small frame, he was slender and slim, with a narrow waist and delicate wrists and ankles. With such a physique, it would be challenging to practice martial arts, so he needed to eat more to have enough strength.

She thought that Chen Bao'er was at least someone close to her and a Kunze, so she should be understanding. She decided to let him stay by her side and take good care of his health.

The rules in Yanyu Tower were strict, but they did not apply to personal matters. Xiao Yan appeared serious and indifferent, but in reality, she was not bound by formalities. So when she led the group to have a meal, she noticed that Chen Bao'er didn't look well and intentionally invited him to join them.

Chen Bao'er suddenly felt at a loss because he had been repeatedly reminded by Shen Zhong to follow the rules. He didn't dare to overstep his boundaries. He carefully arranged the main dishes and served a bowl of white porridge for Xiao Yan, standing by and waiting for her to eat, not daring to take her previous words seriously.

Xiao Yan: "Why are you standing there? I told you to sit down and eat."

Chen Bao'er's inner thoughts: I dare not, I'm afraid I will be awkward eating at the same table as the Louzhu. He succinctly expressed his position: "There is a distinction between superior and inferior, I dare not."

Hearing his words, a trace of displeasure appeared on Xiao Yan's face. She had held the position of Yanyu Tower's Louzhu for eight or nine years, and except for some resistance in the early years, no one dared to say "no" to her on her territory.

This little Kunze actually dared not to listen to her. Hmph! He doesn't know how to appreciate her kindness.

"I told you to eat, so eat. Where did all this nonsense come from?"

Xiao Yan's face became stern, and the air around them seemed to instantly turn colder.

Chen Bao'er didn't understand why the other party insisted on having him eat together. He felt that this request was very unreasonable, and the other party's attitude was stubborn and somewhat incomprehensible.

He remembered that Manager Shen had reminded him to always go along with Xiao Yan and never go against her wishes. After thinking for a moment, Chen Bao'er felt that since she had said so, he should obediently comply. Most importantly, looking at the steaming white porridge and steamed buns on the table, as well as the thinly sliced sauce beef and side dishes, Chen Bao'er felt his mouth watering.

This breakfast was very down-to-earth and didn't include any varieties that Chen Bao'er couldn't recognize. They were all things he had seen but rarely had the opportunity to eat. The aroma of steamed rice and the rich meaty flavor of the sauce beef mixed with sesame oil and scallions made Chen Bao'er unable to resist swallowing his saliva. He felt tempted but didn't dare to take the initiative to serve himself.

Xiao Yan frowned, "I can't stand it when people call me a servant in front of me. I don't like to hear such derogatory terms."

As a person who always does things my own way, when has Xiao Louzhu ever paid attention to how people around him address him or how he addresses them? But Chen Bao'er always appears in front of her with a submissive and humble look, which annoys her and makes her want to straighten him out. Fortunately, he keeps his head down and speaks humbly, but his posture remains upright. Otherwise, Xiao Yan would really want to personally straighten him out.

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