☆ 38. The Grand Finale (Part 1)

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The people whispered among themselves, but this did not affect the experienced Jiang Hu Fa at all. He glanced at Jiang Xu from a distance, and the other immediately understood.

Jiang Xu bowed to everyone present and said loudly, "You all are well-known figures in the Jiang Hu. Today, we gather here as agreed, truly a gathering of heroes. The Smoke and Rain Tower is honored to host, and we are grateful for your presence."

Many people found his words respectful and nodded in agreement. Some put aside their displeasure and began to speak politely. However, a middle-aged man with a beautiful beard did not buy it and said, "Since we have been invited, the tower should show some courtesy. If everyone here is a prominent figure in the Jiang Hu, why hasn't the tower's owner personally greeted us?"

This man exuded a deep and profound aura, with a hidden brilliance in his eyes, clearly a rare master of internal martial arts.

Facing his challenge, Jiang Xu was about to speak but was stopped by Jiang Yan raising his hand. Seeing his father speak, Jiang Xu fell silent.

Jiang Yan sighed deeply, his face filled with sorrow, as if burdened with countless worries that could not be fully expressed.

"Embarrassingly, it is not that we have neglected our guests, but an unexpected incident occurred, forcing me to stand in for the host," Jiang Yan explained.

The man with the beautiful beard interrupted, "Oh, so there is an incident. It seems we have come at an inopportune time."

Jiang Yan smiled wryly, "Please forgive us."

The man with the beautiful beard continued, "Seeing the solemn expression of the protector and hearing about the incident in the tower, which prevented the owner from attending, if there are any difficulties today, feel free to speak up. We can brainstorm together and perhaps come up with a solution for the Smoke and Rain Tower."

The crowd echoed in agreement, "Indeed, the Smoke and Rain Tower has always been known for its righteousness and assistance to the weak in the Jiangnan martial arts world. If there are any difficulties today, we will stand together to help."

"Rumors have it that in recent years, the affairs of the tower have been managed by this elder Jiang personally. Although Master Xiao is not present today, with the protector here, we should treat everyone equally."

With these words, the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Most of the people present were seasoned veterans of the Jiang Hu, and at this critical moment, onlookers had already discerned some clues.

The man with the beautiful beard initially seemed confrontational but later harmonized with Jiang Yan. Subsequently, seemingly unrelated individuals promptly joined in, smoothly coordinating their actions like a well-rehearsed performance. Although the transitions were somewhat abrupt, the logic was flawless, making it a seamless collaboration.

With this understanding, whether believed or not, others remained silent, intending to watch the spectacle unfold.

Dressed as a weak scholar, Jiang Yan, who appeared gentle and cultured, became the center of attention. Everyone eagerly awaited to hear some secrets of the top martial arts families in Jiangnan from him.

Jiang Yan shook his head, sighed again, closed his eyes slightly, as if filled with compassion and reluctance. After repeating this several times, it seemed he had made a decision. In a low voice, he spoke with a dignified and resolute gaze, exuding a sense of righteousness and determination.

I apologize for the oversight. Here is the complete translation:

"It's hard to talk about, but with the storm on the horizon in the martial world, if I continue to cling to the past, unable to make a decision, I'm afraid it won't just be a betrayal of the old master's kindness towards me, but also endangering the safety of the martial world."

His words sounded so serious, with a tone of deep regret, as if carrying the weight of countless friendships, but having to temporarily set them aside for the greater good, solemn and filled with guilt.

The interest of everyone present was piqued, wanting to know why Jiang Huifa was in such a dilemma, causing a moment of silence as they waited to hear the full story.

"Earlier, some of you questioned why the grand event today, and why the master of the tower couldn't preside over it personally. This action seems unreasonable, but there are reasons behind it. . ." Jiang Yan said with a bitter smile, deeply pained, "It's not that Yanyu Tower intended to be neglectful, but it's actually. . . it's actually. . ."

"Father, why not speak plainly!" Jiang Xu interrupted abruptly, dressed in martial attire, looking more resolute than Jiang Yan.

"Xiao Yan fell into demonic ways three years ago, colluding with the demonic beings of the Southern Frontier, attempting to exchange for their dark arts to reshape her own roots. In a recent turmoil, it was just a diversion, a means to manipulate hearts. Unfortunately, Lu Biaotou, loyal to a fault, met a tragic end at her hands."

These words were like a drop of cold water in hot oil, causing an explosion.

Such accusations were shocking and turned the reason for gathering everyone here upside down. However, these were only the words of the Jiang father and son, shocking but not entirely convincing.

Someone in the crowd raised a question, "Yanyu Tower has always been unique in the martial world, with its disciples united. Today, for the sake of righteousness, Jiang Huifa is revealing his own faults. Although we are martial artists, we understand not to blindly trust one side of the story."

Jiang Xu, with a serious expression, said, "Xiao Yan's lack of success in cultivating her inner energy due to congenital deficiencies led to her reliance on the former master's teachings. Her uncle's excessive love and assistance unknowingly planted future troubles for Xiao Yan."

"Many of the seniors present must have heard of her skills. Despite her exceptional external martial arts, her internal strength was never mentioned among the top. She possessed the supreme skill of the former master but was hindered by her own limitations, leading to a breakdown three years ago, forcing her to hand over the affairs of the tower to my father."

"These family secrets should not have been revealed to you all. My father hoped that Xiao Yan, imprisoned in Guangling Manor, would retain some sanity, thinking that if she could return one day, she would restore Yanyu Tower to its former glory. But he never expected her descent into darkness, getting involved with the only son of the leader of the Bright Sect. Leng Hu Jie possessed a rare body constitution, turning away from the orthodox path and falling into the demonic ways."

Although lacking concrete evidence, Xiao Yan had appeared in public recently, accompanied by a close attendant. The relationship between them was subtly ambiguous.

More importantly, that young man was indeed a rare male with a female body constitution.

Note: Unrevised

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