sneaky and suspicious

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Shen Zhong continued tirelessly, only to help her find a "suitable" new Kunze. Only for the harmony between the two, to balance yin and yang, and to regulate Xiao Yan's overbearing true energy, helping her recover from hidden injuries in her meridians. If she could also leave a mark and make a note during this time, it would naturally be even better.

As for Chen Er's widower status, it's not a big deal. Not to mention that people in the martial arts world are not concerned about trivial matters, but he is also six or seven years younger than Xiao Yan. The previous woman he married was short-lived and childless after several years of marriage, so she was probably not reliable. Compared to his rare male Kunze physique, this flaw can be overlooked.

After observing secretly for a few days, Shen Zhong found that this young Kunze rarely left the unfamiliar place and never made any demands. The people in this village are mostly martial artists, with very few servants, and even Xiao Yan doesn't have a dedicated attendant. Therefore, these days, except for the delivery boy who brings food, Chen Er hardly communicates with anyone. He is very easy to deal with, just eating and drinking whatever is given to him, and taking care of his own bathing by heating water in the kitchen. He looks modest and quiet, like an honest person. Shen Zhong couldn't help but develop some goodwill towards him. Because of this, he unconsciously mentioned Chen Er more often in front of Xiao Yan.

Shen Zhong didn't know that his behavior actually triggered Xiao Yan's delayed rebelliousness, making her more determined not to meet him. She was only afraid that the suspicious male Kunze would continue the unfinished business of the previous one and conspire with Shen Zhong to trap her.

In the blink of an eye, it was already April 13th, the late spring season. Although it was a bit hot during the day, there was still a hint of spring chill in the evening.

On this day, Xiao Yan's true energy was in disorder, and her qi and blood were not flowing smoothly. She felt uncomfortable all over her body and was very annoyed. She tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep, feeling restless and suffocated in her chest. After struggling for a while, she couldn't lie down anymore, so she sat up and put on her clothes.

It was unbearable. She needed to go out and feel the cool breeze to relieve herself.

This village belonged to the Yanyu Tower, and most of the people here were children of the tower. Although it was nighttime, there were still regular patrols. Xiao Yan was impatient to see people, so she walked further away, unknowingly coming to a man-made pond in the northwest corner of the courtyard.

Being a martial artist, Xiao Yan's footsteps were light, and even without deliberately hiding, she couldn't make much noise. Xiao Yan arrived at the edge of the pond, feeling restless. She kicked a stone, and it fell into the pond, causing a splash of water.

A small stone couldn't cause much disturbance, but the sound of water continued for a while.

Xiao Yan listened carefully and felt that something was not right. She looked up and saw a figure hiding in the shadow under the stone bridge. Alarm bells rang in her mind, and she quickly leaped and landed where the movement came from.

She took a closer look and found that there was indeed a person hiding in the water, a stranger.

"Who are you!"

"Who are you!"

Both of them asked at the same time, but Xiao Yan's tone was fierce and intimidating, with a hint of killing intent. The other person clearly appeared weaker, lost confidence in their questioning, and seemed more flustered.

"I, I, I. . ." Chen Er stammered for a while but couldn't say anything further.

Xiao Yan carefully looked at the person under the moonlight and found that he was a young man with a tender face, perhaps more accurately described as a teenager. At this moment, he was mostly submerged in the water, with only half of his face visible. But just based on this half of his face, Xiao Yan could tell that he was not from this village.

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