Chapter 8 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang's first release

Chen Er settled in Xiao Yan's courtyard like this. After a day, Shen Zhong discovered that Xiao Yan didn't stay in her own room, but instead casually went into a side room to rest. There was no bed there, only a long couch, so it must not have been very comfortable to sleep on.

The Left Protector finally realized that it was inappropriate for a servant to occupy Xiao Yan's bedroom. Since they couldn't force them to share a bed, it was better to move Chen Er to a side room.

In this way, Xiao Yan felt relieved and didn't mention anything about kicking Chen Er out. As for Chen Er, he just moved to a different place but could still see Xiao Yan all the time. If this continued, there might be hope for their relationship to develop further.

Shen Zhong couldn't help but feel proud of his cleverness, thinking that this arrangement was simply perfect.

After a few more days, Chen Er continued to recuperate in the side room, just a wall away from Xiao Yan, but they never crossed paths because they never opened the door.

It wasn't until today when Xiao Yan got up early to practice in the courtyard that she pushed open the door and suddenly saw someone standing there.

She saw a person dressed in a brand-new narrow-sleeved robe, with black cloth shoes on their feet. They wore a dark leather belt around their waist, tightly fastened, which made their shoulders look broad and their waist narrow. Their hair was tied up neatly in a high ponytail, held in place by a silver hairpin, making their hair look particularly shiny and black.

Seeing this unexpected handsome man in front of her, Xiao Yan couldn't help but take a few more glances. After a moment, she realized who this person was. She couldn't help but exclaim and secretly think to herself: This guy just changed into the attire that the most sought-after disciples in the building wear. How did he suddenly transform into a completely different person? It's really strange.

Xiao Yan was used to seeing this kind of attire and there were many young men with a heroic and elegant demeanor, but none of them looked as outstanding as the person in front of her. She felt that there was a rare temperament about him, calm and gentle, with a hint of softness, yet the contours of his eyebrows and eyes were full of masculinity and elegance, turning that hint of softness into a calm and composed demeanor.

The last time she saw him, Xiao Yan felt that there were some contradictions in him. He seemed timid and occasionally revealed unexpected sharpness. But this time, all the evasiveness and uneasiness in his eyes disappeared, as if he had completely transformed into a different person.

She crossed her arms and used her other hand to touch her chin with her index finger, carefully examining him from head to toe, and felt that this person had a slim waist and long legs. Although he was a bit thin, his posture was still handsome and upright.

Chen Er saw her coming out and quickly bowed respectfully. These days, he pretended to be recuperating, but in secret, he had already been trained by Shen Zhong several times. Chen Er's identity was still a servant, but in reality, his duties were gradually shifting towards being a personal attendant.

Shen Zhong, the host who didn't show any signs of being a host, looked regretful. So every time he instructed and admonished Chen Er, his expression seemed very meaningful. Just by looking at this little host, he was completely different from the one he had found for Xiao Yan before, and he didn't know if this little guy could live up to the important task of carrying on the legacy of Yan Yu Lou.

Shen Zhong had already made all the arrangements in the past two days, saying that Chen Er would serve as Xiao Yan's personal attendant. Seeing that the other party accepted it willingly, he also explained Xiao Yan's habits and preferences in detail. It seemed that Chen Er would be doing the work of a personal attendant, but his monthly salary would still be based on being a servant, which was much more generous than being a follower.

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