Chapter 23 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

On this side, Xiao Yan watched Chen Bao'er eat with relish, while under the other party's intense gaze, Chen Bao'er felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Seven or eight exquisite dishes were piled up in the bowl, no matter how delicately they were decorated in the plate, the original taste was incredibly unforgettable. At this moment, in Chen Bao'er's bowl, they all transformed into indescribable and bizarre shapes.

The sour, sweet, and savory flavors merged together, and it was unknown what taste it would have when tasted.

Chen Bao'er remained calm and ate them all, feeling a bit bloated after finishing the bowl.

Xiao Yan was not a meticulous person, and even her caring gestures were more than enough but extremely unreliable. Unfortunately, she was unaware of this and thought her actions were not only beautiful but also gradual in resolving Chen Bao'er's nervousness and soon dissolving the distance in his heart.

"Host, please have some."

Chen Bao'er raised his head, pursed his lips, put down the chopsticks, and urgently wanted to take a break.

Xiao Yan: "How is it? Is it delicious? Which one do you like the most?"

Chen Bao'er thought the other party was asking for a recommendation of a dish, furrowed his brows and pondered for a while, hesitatingly said, "Host, have the fish, it's good."

At least this fish was the first to be tasted, and it still had the taste of fish. The fish meat was tender and almost devoid of any fishy smell, truly fresh and delicious.

Xiao Yan lifted her chopsticks and lightly poked under the fish's cheek, instantly disintegrating the fish head, revealing a piece of tender meat the size of a fingernail, resembling a garlic clove. Xiao Yan picked up this unique "face" meat from the fish and dipped it into the soup before placing it into Chen Bao'er's bowl.

"Give it a try."

Chen Bao'er became even more surprised, wondering if Xiao Yan had taken the wrong medicine today. Otherwise, why would her behavior be so strange, causing even his own emotions to fluctuate and become restless.

"Why aren't you eating, Host?"

Chen Bao'er felt that Xiao Yan seemed to be observing him, afraid that she was waiting to see the effect, worried that if someone secretly plotted against him, the effect of the drug wouldn't take immediate effect.

Seeing Chen Bao'er "concerned" about her, Xiao Yan chuckled softly and finally started eating. As she ate, she noticed that Chen Bao'er wasn't using his chopsticks much, thinking that he was still reserved, so she scooped and picked a large bowl of food for him.

Chen Bao'er stared at the food in the bowl, feeling his stomach churn. He couldn't help but suspect that Xiao Yan was doing this on purpose, finding ways to punish him for his negligence and dereliction of duty today.

Xiao Yan still didn't forget to kindly persuade on the side, "Bao'er, these are their specialties, you should eat more." She looked at Chen Bao'er again, "You're too thin, like a piece of paper. From now on, when we go out, I must hold onto you tightly, otherwise I'm afraid that with a gust of wind, you'll be blown away."

Chen Bao'er's mood was complicated, speechless, completely unable to figure out what Xiao Yan was thinking. Seeing the serious expression on the other's face, not at all joking, he inexplicably became restless, feeling that the atmosphere was somewhat strange, heating up his heart, but cautiously not daring to overstep. This feeling was both anxious and unbearable, as if even the slightest movement of his body felt extremely uncomfortable.

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