Chapter 10 - Jinjiang Original

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Jinjiang Original

The tightly closed door was kicked open by someone, and the door panel and hinges made a creaking sound under the vibration. Chen Bao'er was the first to bear the brunt and almost got knocked down by the suddenly opened wooden door.

It was dark inside the house, but outside, the lights were on, and the flickering flames were a bit dazzling. Chen Bao'er instinctively turned his head to avoid it.

Xiao Yan had a cold face, with an expression that changed unpredictably. Her gaze was solemn and sharp as she looked back and forth at the other person's face.

"It's so late, why aren't you asleep?" Her voice was low and cold, like a stone in the river.

Chen Bao'er looked confused, with a hint of fear on his face due to Xiao Yan's imposing manner. "I heard some noise just now, so I got up to check."

He was dressed properly, except for a misplaced belt, which looked rushed. Xiao Yan didn't say anything and grabbed the other person's collar without hesitation, flipping it outward. The other person's outer robe was already loose, and with Xiao Yan's pulling and tugging, it was quickly pulled off the shoulder, revealing a large part of the inner garment and a delicate and pretty collarbone.

Xiao Yan blinked, a hint of embarrassment flashed in her expression. Before the other person could react, she quickly let go. Chen Bao'er was inexplicably taken aback by this "impropriety" and panicked, wanting to step back.

"You've been inside the house all along." Xiao Yan frowned, her eyes filled with suspicion. At the same time, she surveyed the room, finding everything in order and no suspicious signs.

Chen Bao'er didn't know what had gotten into the other person in the middle of the night, but he could tell from the way she kicked the door that she was in a bad mood. So he could only cautiously follow her, not daring to interfere.

Xiao Yan looked around, feeling that a cursory glance was not enough. She strode into the room, carefully searching around, not only flipping through the other person's bedding but even opening the clothes chest. If it weren't for the fact that there were only a few items in Chen Bao'er's chest, she might have reached in and searched.

After finishing the inspection and finding nothing unusual, Xiao Yan's cold sternness in her eyes dissipated a bit when she looked back at Chen Bao'er.

"There was an intruder just now, so I came to check on you."

Chen Bao'er suddenly realized and finally understood why the other person had made such a big fuss.

Xiao Yan said she came to check on him, but Chen Bao'er understood that there was nothing to check. The reason why the other person came and even personally inspected was simply because of suspicion. He found this unbelievable, but then he thought it was only natural. Although he had no abilities at all, who told him to be a complete newcomer?

Seeing the other person silent and bowing their head, Xiao Yan felt that she might have gone a bit too far. He was a Kunze, and if he really was cleared of suspicion, being frightened by her like this in the middle of the night might give him nightmares.

Although she realized this, Xiao Yan was not obligated to comfort the other person. She just said in a low voice before leaving, "It's fine now, go to sleep."

Before Chen Bao'er could say anything, Xiao Yan didn't even look back and walked away.

Chen Bao'er stayed alone in place, looked at the broken door latch kicked by the other party, sighed lightly, took two steps forward to close the door, and casually found a stool from inside to prop it up, so that the door would not be blown open by the wind, then went to bed and ignored it.

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