It is easy to ask for God's help.

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It's easy to please the gods.

Xiao Yan never expected that she couldn't go back to her own room and bed. . .

Shen Zhong brought a doctor to examine Chen Er's illness. During the diagnosis, the doctor stroked his beard and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"What's wrong with this young master's body? It seems there is a deficiency from the foundation. According to my judgment, although this person has been separated for several years, the Chaoxin should have only occurred in the past two or three months." The doctor frowned and couldn't help but glare at Xiao Yan and Shen Zhong.

"This Kunze tide is inherently weak and sensitive, especially afraid of cold. How can you let him soak in cold water? It could be dangerous."

This doctor Yao is a well-known expert in the nearby area. It is said that he is compassionate towards patients and cannot bear to see them mistreat their bodies. He is highly respected in the medical field, so he doesn't speak very politely.

Xiao Yan was overwhelmed by the doctor's rapid-fire questioning. She couldn't understand why she should be interested in Kunze's late development or why she should care if he caught a cold. It didn't matter to her that he made her sleep in the side room last night. But the problem was that she already had a hot and restless temperament, and she didn't know if it was because of the stimulation from Kunze's incense or because of her attachment to the bed. She tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep. In short, Xiao Yan, the host of the mansion, had a sleepless night.

But everything has its limits. Even though she couldn't sleep, once the excitement passed, fatigue would come back, and it might even worsen.

Although Xiao Yan was present, she was not interested in the condition of the person lying in bed. She just wanted to hurry up and finish the examination so that she could go back to sleep peacefully.

It's unclear whether it's because older people have a deeper sense of compassion for the weak and young, but the doctor's complaints about the sickly person on the bed seemed endless. It was as if the person had suffered great abuse, and the culprit should pay with their life.

However, all these words were useless in Xiao Yan's ears. There was no need to listen to a single word.

"Sir, how is your diagnosis and treatment going?" Xiao Yan couldn't help but speak, her tone a bit off because of her bad mood and lack of energy. With her expressionless face, the overall effect was a bit eerie.

After all, she was the leader of one of the top buildings in Jiangnan. She wasn't a killer, but she was skilled in dealing with bloodshed. As long as Xiao Yan wanted to, she could easily display a murderous aura.

Seeing this posture, the renowned doctor realized that he had exaggerated his words earlier and made the other party unhappy. He looked up and saw Xiao Yan's eyes staring at him like lacquer, with a slight pursing of her lips. It seemed like she was a bit impatient, and he couldn't help but shiver.

Fortunately, Doctor Yao was an experienced old hand who had seen big scenes before. His ability to judge people was on par with his medical skills. He had dealt with Xiao Yan before and felt that although she was serious and didn't talk much, her attitude towards him was still acceptable. She was a reasonable person. So even though he was a bit out of line today, he didn't really anger Xiao Yan.

He reached out and stroked his carefully trimmed beard, steadying his mind, and pretended to sigh: "His condition is very complicated. I have been practicing medicine for many years, but I have never seen a Kunze soak himself in cold water for such a long time during the Chaoxin period on a cold night. Such an experience is truly outrageous, and the consequences are unpredictable."

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