chapter 2: floral fascinations

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The blonde boy turned his head to see his friend walking towards him with a big smile plastered on his face. He looked like a happy puppy as he spread his arms as if inviting the boy in and Huening Kai couldn't help but chuckle in response as he gave the boy a warm hug. Beomgyu had always been like this, no matter what time of day or night it was there was a genuine smile all over his face, looking at his best friend like a child would look at their favorite toy.

"Welcome, Beomgyu hyung," Huening Kai said gently after pulling away from the hug, his lips cracking into a small smile as he happily welcomed his friend, "It's your first day of work today. Are you excited?"

Beomgyu's wide brown eyes sparkled at that question. There was a subtle shift in his demeanour as he suddenly became more enthusiastic than before. His silver locks bounced softly as he nodded eagerly, his excited eyes scanning the beautiful exterior and decorations of the flower shop in a zealous curiosity. There were a bunch of flowers of different kind, ranging from red roses to white carnations, in baskets placed around the store. There was even more inside the shop - a selection of plants ranging from blue roses to sunflowers, along with other species that could not be seen. It was all very pretty to see, but Beomgyu's attention span wasn't exactly what one would call sharp, so that eye-catching sight overwhelmed his mind.

His excitement seemed so real that Huening Kai found himself wondering whether the boy actually knew how to work at a flower shop. He didn't look like an expert in the slightest, but he sure as hell showed his passion by picking out every flower there was, caressing them with a feather touch as if he was afraid of accidentally breaking them. Beomgyu was already beautiful enough and those lovely flowers surrounding his face made him look even more gorgeous. The younger boy thought it was utterly adorable.

"They're so pretty," Beomgyu spoke up again, his voice full of awe. Huening Kai smiled softly at the boy.

"Come on, hyung," the younger whined, "You know perfectly well that you're the prettiest flower among them."

Beomgyu couldn't help but blush furiously. His cheeks heated up almost immediately as he buried his face behind his hands in a shy attempt to hide the bright red color that was colouring his cheeks adorably. Huening Kai grinned, finding amusement on how cute his friend was, especially since his reaction wasn't really something rare.

"Don't embarrass me," Beomgyu mumbled under his breath as he uncovered his face and touched a flower petal with a subconscious pout on his pink lips.

The younger chuckled softly and shook his head while Beomgyu pressed the back of his hand against his cheek as if trying to cool it down and make the red colour go away. He then tugged at Kai's sleeve, looking up at him with a sparkle in his brown eyes, "Let's go inside! I want to learn everything about flowers!"

Huening Kai nodded and followed Beomgyu into the flower shop. There weren't only flowers in there. They also had to sell other things like decorative vases, gardening tools, and even small potted plants. The shop was filled with the fragrant scent of fresh flowers and the soft murmur of customers browsing through the colorful displays. Beomgyu bowed to them as a sign of a silent greeting before roaming his eyes around, taking in every detail curiously.

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