chapter 9: tulips and turmoil

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The early morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the flower shop, casting a warm glow over the familiar surroundings

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The early morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the flower shop, casting a warm glow over the familiar surroundings. Beomgyu stood behind the counter, the faint scent of fresh blooms filling the air as he waited patiently for Huening Kai to arrive. Despite the peaceful ambiance, there was an underlying sense of tension lingering in the air, a reminder of the events that had transpired the days before.

As Beomgyu glanced at the clock, he noted that it was still early, but Huening Kai would be arriving soon to help with the day's tasks. He busied himself with arranging the displays, his movements methodical yet tinged with a hint of restlessness. The silence of the shop was deafening, amplifying the turmoil of emotions swirling within him.

Beomgyu couldn't shake the events of the previous day from his mind. The encounter with Yeonjun had left him shaken and confused, his thoughts consumed by unanswered questions and unresolved tension. However, the memories about Taehyun hurt much more. Taehyun left him like he had never even loved him or cared about him and Beomgyu couldn't just get over it so easily.

As Beomgyu leaned down to arrange the flowers in a nearby basket, his fingers delicately plucking off thorns with practiced precision, a sudden prickling sensation jolted through his hand. With a sharp intake of breath, he hissed in pain as a thin trickle of blood welled up from a small cut on his finger.

Before he could even register the sting, a voice from behind him caught him off guard, causing him to startle slightly. Turning around, Beomgyu found himself face to face with Yeonjun, who had just arrived at the shop.

Yeonjun's brows furrowed with concern as he noticed Beomgyu's pained expression. "Did you hurt yourself?" he asked, his tone soft yet attentive as he approached Beomgyu's side. "Let me see."

Beomgyu stood frozen in place, too stunned to react as Yeonjun approached him with concern etched across his features. Without waiting for Beomgyu to respond, Yeonjun leaned down beside him and gently took his hand in his own.

The touch of Yeonjun's warm fingers against his skin sent a shiver down Beomgyu's spine, his heart rate quickening at the unexpected intimacy of the gesture. He watched in silence as Yeonjun carefully examined the cut on his finger, his expression focused and attentive.

Beomgyu couldn't help but feel a strange fluttering sensation in his chest. It was as if his heart had taken on a life of its own, dancing erratically within the confines of his ribcage at the proximity of Yeonjun's touch.

Despite the discomfort of the cut, Beomgyu found himself oddly comforted by Yeonjun's presence, a sense of warmth spreading through him at the simple act of kindness. For a fleeting moment, the tension that had once hung between them seemed to dissipate, replaced by a tentative sense of connection.

Yeonjun's voice was gentle yet firm as he helped Beomgyu to his feet and guided him to a nearby chair. "Come on, let me help you," he urged softly, his touch reassuring as he guided Beomgyu to sit down. Beomgyu was too stunned to speak, not getting why Yeonjun was treating him like it wasn't just a cut on his finger, but something much more serious and bigger. The guy looked genuinely concerned and Beomgyu could notice the same in his actions. It confused him greatly and raised so many questions in his head.

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