chapter 20: a shocking revelation

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The cemetery lay shrouded in a somber aura, the air heavy with the weight of grief and loss

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The cemetery lay shrouded in a somber aura, the air heavy with the weight of grief and loss. Trees, their branches barren and skeletal, swayed mournfully in the cold breeze, their leaves rustling with a haunting whisper. Above, the sky loomed ominously gray, casting a pall of gloom over the silent landscape.

Amidst the solemnity, a lone figure sat hunched over a grave, the sharp scent of alcohol mingling with the earthy aroma of the wet soil. Yeonjun's form was a stark contrast against the muted backdrop, his posture slumped and disheveled, his eyes vacant and hollow.

With trembling hands, he lifted the bottle to his lips, the amber liquid burning a bitter trail down his throat. Each swallow was a futile attempt to drown out the echoes of his own despair, and numb the pain that gnawed relentlessly at his soul.

But the alcohol offered no solace, no respite from the torment that consumed him. It merely served as a temporary distraction, a fleeting escape from the harsh reality of his existence.

As he sat there, lost in his own grief, the world around him faded into obscurity, leaving him alone with his thoughts and regrets. His phone buzzed incessantly in his pocket like an abandoned object, the caller ID flashing Jimin's name. But he paid it no heed, his gaze fixed instead on the cold tombstone before him.

With eyes glazed over by sorrow and bitterness, Yeonjun muttered to the silent marker, his voice carrying a weight of accusation and desperation. "It's your fault," he growled, his tone raw with anguish. "You took him from me. You left me alone to face this world."

His fingers clenched tightly around the neck of the bottle, the bitter taste of alcohol offering a fleeting escape from the relentless ache in his chest. Each swig was a silent prayer to numb the pain, to drown out the memories that haunted his every thought.

Amidst the solemn stillness of the cemetery, Yeonjun's anguished whispers filled the air, his words a bitter lament to the silent grave before him. With trembling hands, he reached out to trace the engraved letters on the cold stone, his touch reverent yet tinged with resentment.

"It's because of you," he muttered, his voice choked with emotion. "Because of what happened to you... I couldn't bear to stay by his side."

Each word was like a dagger to his own heart, a painful admission of the fear and trauma that gripped his soul. Soobin's death had left scars that ran deep, wounds that had never fully healed, and now they threatened to consume him once more.

"Why did you have to leave me?" he whispered, his voice cracking with sorrow. "Why did you have to go and leave me alone?"

But the grave offered no answers, no solace for his tortured soul. It stood as a silent reminder of all that he had lost, all that he had been unable to save. And as the cold breeze swept through the cemetery, carrying with it the echoes of his grief, Yeonjun bowed his head in silent anguish, his heart heavy with the weight of his own guilt and sorrow.

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