chapter 10: a story of an ill-fated doctor

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As Beomgyu arrived at work, he was surprised to see Huening Kai already there, but instead of his usual cheerful demeanor, the boy appeared visibly stressed again, moving around the shop with a sense of urgency

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As Beomgyu arrived at work, he was surprised to see Huening Kai already there, but instead of his usual cheerful demeanor, the boy appeared visibly stressed again, moving around the shop with a sense of urgency. Concern creased Beomgyu's brow as he approached his friend, noticing the tense set of Kai's shoulders and the furrowed lines on his forehead.

Beomgyu offered a tentative greeting as he approached Huening Kai, who seemed lost in his thoughts. It took a moment for Huening Kai to register Beomgyu's presence, his attention momentarily diverted from whatever was occupying his mind.

"Oh, Beomgyu hyung?"

"Yeah, it's me," Beomgyu replied, concern etching his features as he noticed the troubled expression on Huening Kai's face. "Is everything alright?"

Discomfort etched itself into every line of Huening Kai's face as he busied himself with arranging the flowers, avoiding Beomgyu's probing gaze. His hands moved with an unsteady rhythm, a telltale sign of the turmoil raging within him.

"It's fine," he insisted, his voice strained with tension. But Beomgyu could sense the hesitation in his tone, the unspoken words lingering in the air like a heavy fog.

Beomgyu's brow furrowed in concern, his heart heavy with worry. "I called you multiple times yesterday," he pressed, his voice gentle yet persistent. "Why didn't you answer?"

Huening Kai's gaze flickered briefly, guilt shadowing his features. "I... I had some personal matters to attend to," he mumbled, his words trailing off into a barely audible whisper.

The vague explanation only served to deepen Beomgyu's unease. He felt a pang of hurt at the thought that his friend was shutting him out, keeping secrets that he wasn't willing to share.

"Did I do something to upset you?" Beomgyu ventured, his voice tinged with concern. He couldn't bear the thought of having caused any distress to his friend, yet the silence that followed only intensified his anxiety.

"No, it's not you," Huening Kai replied hastily, a flicker of discomfort crossing his face. "I'm just... I've not been in the right headspace recently."

Beomgyu's heart sank at the vague response, a sense of helplessness washing over him. He wanted nothing more than to ease his friend's burden, to offer comfort and support in whatever way he could. But it seemed that Huening Kai was determined to keep him at arm's length, leaving Beomgyu feeling lost and alone in his concern.

As Beomgyu continued with his work, a sense of unease lingered at the back of his mind, tainting his interactions with the customers. His thoughts were consumed by the mystery of Huening Kai's sudden change in behavior, leaving him feeling unsettled and distracted.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Huening Kai finally broke the tension with a hesitant inquiry about Beomgyu's well-being. "Hey, hyung, are you okay?" he asked, his laced with worry. "Everything going well?"

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