chapter 13: a cure to sleepless nights

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As the night draped its comforting veil over the world outside, Beomgyu and Yeonjun found themselves preparing for bed in the quiet intimacy of Beomgyu's room

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As the night draped its comforting veil over the world outside, Beomgyu and Yeonjun found themselves preparing for bed in the quiet intimacy of Beomgyu's room. Beomgyu had mustered the courage to ask Yeonjun to stay the night, finding solace in the thought of not being alone.

With a gentle rustle of fabric, they settled onto the soft expanse of Beomgyu's bed, side by side. The dim light filtering through the curtains cast a soft glow over the room, bathing them in a serene ambiance as they lay together in the hushed stillness of the night.

In the tranquil embrace of the night, Beomgyu's voice broke the silence, barely above a whisper as he posed a question that lingered heavily in the air. "What does love mean to you?"

Yeonjun's gaze drifted upwards, his thoughts lost in the depths of contemplation. After a moment of quiet reflection, he turned his head to meet Beomgyu's gaze, his expression soft and earnest. "Love," he began, his voice a gentle murmur, "is... being willing to protect someone, even if it means sacrificing your own happiness. It's wanting to see them smile, to be there for them through every joy and every sorrow. Love is... finding solace in their presence, feeling a sense of completeness when they're by your side."

As Yeonjun spoke, his words carried a weight of sincerity and depth, each syllable resonating with a profound understanding of the complexities of the heart. Beomgyu listened intently, his heart stirring with a myriad of emotions as he absorbed the wisdom imparted by his companion in the quietude of the night.

Beomgyu's question lingered in the quiet of the room, its weight palpable as he sought clarity in the depths of Yeonjun's gaze, "Do you believe that loving someone encompasses loving their heart as well?" he murmured, his words carrying a fragile vulnerability. "Or is the heart just another facet of who we are?"

Yeonjun's expression softened as he contemplated Beomgyu's question, his eyes searching for the right words to convey the depth of his thoughts. "I believe that loving someone means embracing every part of who they are, including their heart," he replied, his voice laced with sincerity. "The heart is the essence of our being, the seat of our emotions and desires. To truly love someone is to connect with their heart on a profound level, to understand and cherish the very essence of who they are."

His words hung in the air, carrying a sense of quiet wisdom that seemed to resonate with the stillness of the night. In that moment, Beomgyu felt a profound sense of comfort wash over him, as if the weight of his doubts had been lifted by the assurance of Yeonjun's understanding.

As Beomgyu's gaze grew heavy with emotion, he posed a poignant question, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "But what if someone loses their heart and receives another just to keep living?" he murmured softly. "Should their partner abandon them for this change?"

Yeonjun's expression softened with concern, his eyes searching Beomgyu's face with a gentle intensity. Slowly, he turned to face him, raising his hand to gently touch Beomgyu's cheek. "Who hurt you?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern and empathy.

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