chapter 6: an undefinable connection

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As Beomgyu stepped into the flower shop, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, the heaviness in his chest weighing him down like an anchor

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As Beomgyu stepped into the flower shop, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, the heaviness in his chest weighing him down like an anchor. Despite having had breakfast and taking some pills to alleviate his discomfort, he still wasn't feeling okay. The nagging ache in his head persisted, and his stomach churned uneasily, threatening to revolt at any moment.

However, amidst his physical discomfort, Beomgyu found solace in the familiarity of the flower shop. The scent of fresh blooms filled the air, mingling with the soft hum of conversation from customers browsing the shelves. It was a welcome distraction from the turmoil brewing inside him, a reminder that life continued to move forward despite his own struggles.

With a forced smile, Beomgyu greeted his friend, who was busy arranging a display of vibrant tulips near the entrance. Kai glanced up, a concerned frown crossing his face as he took in Beomgyu's pale complexion and weary expression.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" Kai asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Beomgyu nodded, though the movement sent a sharp pang through his head. "Yeah, just a bit under the weather. But I'll manage," he replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

Huening Kai gave him a sympathetic smile, understanding shining in his eyes. "Well, if you need anything, just let me know. I can handle things here for a while if you need to take a break," he offered.

Grateful for his friend's concern, Beomgyu shook his head. "Thanks, Kai, but I think I'll be okay. I'd rather keep busy than dwell on how I'm feeling," he admitted, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his voice.

Kai nodded understandingly, though Beomgyu could see the worry lingering in his gaze. "Is anything bothering you, hyung? You haven't been looking like yourself recently."

Beomgyu gulped at his question, knowing he would have to listen to this question eventually from his friend. As it looked like Taehyun hadn't mentioned anything about their break-up with the boy. Beomgyu wondered why, but he really didn't want to talk about that now and burden his friend right now. Huening Kai looked cheerful, so Beomgyu wasn't willing to spoil the mood.

"No," he said softly, "I've been just having sleepless nights. You know, anxiety and all."

Huening Kai looked really concerned as there was uncertainty written on his face but he didn't press harder and gave his friend some space instead, "Alright, but promise me you'll take it easy. Don't push yourself too hard," Kai urged, his tone firm yet gentle.

Beomgyu offered him a weak smile, touched by his friend's genuine concern. "I promise," he said, though he wasn't entirely convinced himself.

After a few hours, Huening Kai left to attend his lectures, leaving Beomgyu to navigate the rest of the day on his own. As he moved through the shop, attending to various tasks and assisting customers, Beomgyu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him from within. He was truly feeling sick.

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