chapter 7: a heart's song

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The weekend arrived, bringing with it two days of respite from the demands of work

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The weekend arrived, bringing with it two days of respite from the demands of work. Beomgyu welcomed the break, eager for some time to recharge and regroup after a particularly taxing week. However, as he settled into the familiar routine of his days off, he found himself grappling with a sense of restlessness and unease that seemed to linger just beneath the surface.

With the weight of recent events still heavy on his mind, Beomgyu struggled to find solace in the quiet solitude of his apartment. He spent much of his time lost in thought, his thoughts consumed by memories of Taehyun and the painful end of their relationship. Despite his best efforts to distract himself with mundane tasks and activities, he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that seemed to permeate every corner of his home.

He also couldn't shake off the thoughts about that weird guy - Yeonjun, and their last encounter. It had been a while he hadn't showed up in the shop. Beomgyu had no idea why, had he scared him away too much with his panic and childishness? Yeonjun used to visit the shop almost every day, but it had been a long time since he last arrived. Beomgyu had no idea why this fact saddened him and why there was disappointment biting at his heart, but it made him feel so insecure. He couldn't help but berate himself in his mind countless times, wishing he just had held back his emotions that day like always used to.

In an attempt to lift his spirits, Beomgyu tried to engage in activities that once brought him joy. He spent hours lost in the pages of his favorite books, seeking refuge in the familiar worlds of fiction. He immersed himself in music, losing himself in the melodies that once soothed his troubled soul. Yet, despite his efforts, he found little comfort in these pastimes, the weight of his heartache overshadowing any sense of enjoyment.

As the hours stretched on, Beomgyu found himself retreating further into himself, his thoughts becoming increasingly introspective and somber. He spent long moments staring out the window, watching as the world passed by outside, a silent observer of life's endless parade. With each passing day, he felt a growing sense of isolation and loneliness, the walls of his house closing in around him like a suffocating embrace.

In moments of desperation, Beomgyu tried to reach out to his friend, seeking solace in his comforting presence. He sent Huening Kai a few messages, but all of them were left unanswered. It was so unpleasant, but Beomgyu tried not to worry about it. It had been a while since Huening Kai last arrived at work since he was having exams and had a lot of studying to do, so Beomgyu considered that he was too busy and that's why he didn't text him back.

At least he tried to reassure himself so...

As the work week began anew, Beomgyu found solace in the familiar rhythm of his routine. Despite the lingering heaviness in his heart, he threw himself into his duties at the flower shop with renewed determination and purpose. The bustling activity of the shop provided a welcome distraction from his troubles, allowing him to lose himself in the simple pleasures of arranging bouquets and serving customers with a warm smile.

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