chapter 11: the truth admitted

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As Beomgyu unlocked the door to the shop, the familiar scent of flowers greeted him, a comforting embrace amidst the quiet morning

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As Beomgyu unlocked the door to the shop, the familiar scent of flowers greeted him, a comforting embrace amidst the quiet morning. He knew he'd be working alone until the afternoon as Huening Kai had lectures to attend.

With a sigh, Beomgyu busied himself with the tasks at hand, arranging bouquets and ensuring each flower was displayed just right. The rhythmic motion of his hands brought a sense of calm, momentarily distracting him from the tumultuous thoughts that lingered in his mind.

As Beomgyu arranged the flowers, his mind drifted to Yeonjun, wondering if he would make an appearance at the shop again today. The thought of seeing Yeonjun brought a mix of anticipation and anxiety, as Beomgyu grappled with the desire to unravel the mystery surrounding the person Yeonjun had been buying the tulips for.

Lost in thought, Beomgyu mulled over various scenarios, considering how he might broach the subject with Yeonjun. Should he confront him directly, or approach the topic more subtly? The uncertainty gnawed at him, each option fraught with its own set of risks and potential consequences.

Throughout the morning, Beomgyu greeted each customer with a warm smile and attentive demeanor, his eagerness to please evident in every interaction. Despite the steady stream of customers, his attention kept wandering back to the door, anticipation building with each passing moment.

With each chime of the doorbell, Beomgyu's heart leaped in anticipation, only to sink when it wasn't Yeonjun who entered. Nevertheless, he maintained his cheerful facade, serving customers with unwavering enthusiasm while secretly hoping for Yeonjun's arrival.

Then, just as Beomgyu was meticulously arranging a bouquet of daisies, he heard the familiar jingle of the doorbell, signaling the arrival of a customer. But this time, when he looked up, his heart skipped a beat as he saw Yeonjun step through the doorway.

A rush of excitement coursed through Beomgyu's veins, his pulse quickening at the sight of the older man. However, his joy quickly turned to concern as he took in the tired lines etched on Yeonjun's face and the heavy bags under his eyes as usual. It was clear that Yeonjun hadn't been getting much rest, and Beomgyu's heart went out to him.

Despite his exhaustion, Yeonjun's determination was evident as he made his way to the counter, his gaze fixed on the display of tulips. Beomgyu couldn't help but notice the longing in Yeonjun's eyes as they lingered on the vibrant blooms, a silent plea for solace amidst the chaos of his life.

Despite his worry, Beomgyu was willing to create a vibrant and cheerful atmosphere. He still remembered how Yeonjun told him the other day that he didn't like how quiet Beomgyu had become, so he put on a big smile that radiated nothing but joy and his eyes which stared into Yeonjun's tired ones threw sparkles of glee.

"Good morning, Yeonjun-ssi," he greeted, his voice elated, causing a little surprise to creep to Yeonjun's expression. "What can I help you with today?"

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