11:00 pm Skype convos

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I was looking back on all my texts, Skype messages and realized how weird I get late at night.

So let's just jump into this.

1. Me and Maddie were talking about some guy I had liked (I'm changing names here) let's call him Erik xD. And so we devised the 'Shipping' system. Here's how it works: Maddie and Tristan shove me into a box and package me. They then give my box to Bellie and Ty. They put my box into the back of a UPS truck which Ty is driving and Bellie is sitting passenger. Ty nears the place where the Erik lived, but then, our hated teacher Pesko in octopus form (for some reason, we have these visions of an octopus crawling really fast together and we always laugh xD) crawls out of a drain. "Bellie, we have an issue." Ty says. She went back to retrieve my box. "Come here TYLER!" Pesko says. "That's not even my name! It's Terry!" And then Ty 'accidentally' runs over Pesko. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I PROMISE" Ty screamed, not realizing that hitting the Pesko-octopus thing had caused her to fall out of the UPS truck with my box in Erik's yard. 'This side up' was facing down and my box said 'fragile'. And then Pesko crawls out from under the truck. I pop out of my box, dizzy. "OMG SHES LIKE THE OOD IN 'SATAN PIT' IN DOCTOR WHO!" I scream. Connor pops out of the bush beside my box. "But the Ood eventually died!" He says. "Wait... Why were you..." I don't get to finish. Maddie and Tristan climb out of a black limo that just pulled up, wearing suits, sunglasses and carrying pistols. "Exactly like the Ood." They say in unison, shooting Pesko. She crawls back into the sewer drain in defeat. I pop out of my box into Eriks driveway, say: "Don't hurt me, I'm fragile." And point to the little 'FRAGILE' thing on the box I was in. And that's how our 'shipping' thing works XD.

2. There was the time Tristan, Maddie, Bellie and me were playing minecraft and Skyping. We were playing Sky Grid. All of a sudden I say: "Does it kill you when you die?" They all think about it and say "lol idk" and about five minutes later, Bellie starts hysterically laughing in realization of what I had said.

3. Me and Maddie were Skyping and we were talking about my fear of being on boats, while she was playing Goat Simulator. She starts laughing, and I ask why. She says: "What if a goat was on a boat!?" And laughs more then says "It rhymes!" And I repeat it. Then Maddie says: "AW MAN... It rhymes again!!!!!" In absolute anger.

4. Myself, Maddie and Tristan were talking about if we're elderly. It went a little like this.
Me: Imagine we're all feeding ducks in seventy years. I would just give them little crumbles of bread and then chuck the entire loaf at one of the ducks... And then scream 360 BREAD SCOPE! GET REKT YOU NOOBS!
Maddie: And then we all put on sunglasses and go into a supermarket and slam our carts into random younger people and then start playing: If you ain't talking money I don't wanna talk! And then: Thug Lyfe!
Tristan: I imagine Mars having children and then grandchildren, who play junky music around her and then Mars starts playing 'Anaconda' and saying: Oh yeah! THAT was the music back in my day! And permanently scarring her grandchildren for life.

4. Myself and my internet friend TurtleNami were texting and it went a bit like this...
TN: Le little cousin makin me watch Dora... XD
Mars: Ohh snap... Diego watch urself!
TN: *knifes Dora in the back*
Mars: *pushes Diego off a cliff*
TN: *slaughters Boots*
TN: Let's murder other kids show characters!
Mars: *explodes Elsa*
TN: *snipes Anna*
Mars: *hangs Olaf*
TN: *slits Barney's throat*
Mars: *mass murders the entire cast of Peppa Pig*
TN: *poisons Elmo*
TN: God I love talking to you...
Mars: Sometimes I worry about my sanity xD
TN: If I ever saw you IRL I think we would just sit there laughing...
Mars: I just don't think we're alright...
Mars: Jesusus fall out boy is amazing...
TN: I question if I should be friends with you...
TN: And then crud like this happens...
TN: And I wonder why I doubted it...

5. A convo between me and Connor...
C: Sup
M: Hi
C: Hey
M: Hello
C: Aloha
M: Holà
C: So...
M: Yep...
C: Bye
(At that point he logged off... Yeeeepp)

6. A convo between me and mah friend RoboPig
M: Hey
RP: Supppp
M: (we were on Minecraft Factions and Skyping) How dya like mah base?
RP: I'm sry but it suckks...
M: Wow two ks rly serious...
RP: I could build it if you'd like...
M: Connor build it must be why it sucks
RP: yeah probs
M: ur base?
RP: oh yeah tpa to meh
*tpas to each other*
RP: *throws diamonds up in the air*
RP: If you ain't talkin money I dun wanna tlk!
M: *catches diamonds*

WELL... I hope you enjoyed mah weirdness... Also shoutout to TurtleNami and RoboPig if you read this... Ur weird jkjk (not kidding lolz)

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