Favorite People

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Earlier I just thought how seriously f***** up my life would be without certain people.

Like, there are some people who I could not live without. I would be such a mess with out them.

Some people say it's bad to be so dependent on another human being, but for me, it's my nature.

I look for someone I can depend on, and if I can't find anyone... Hell.

Everything just goes to hell.


But when you've found people you can steadily depend on for quite sometime, you realize how completely and totally you need them to keep you sane... And alive.

For quite some time, I've known a set of people I can steadily depend on, and every second I'm not with them, I'm either thinking about the or aching to be with them.

Some people are just that important in your life.

But from what I've learned, there's always someone.

Even if you think absolutely everyone is against you, concentrate.

Who texted you to make sure you were safe at home? Who checks up on you? Who makes sure you're comfortable with the situation at hand? Who tells you how important you are?

And if you can again think of no one, there is someone. They just don't make it obvious.

So this is why you should let the people in your life know how much you just appreciate their presence.

There always comes a time when you realize how purely you want nothing more than to be around someone.



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