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Please tell me I'm not the only one who blows on their screen when there are those 'blow on your screen in 3,2,1' videos.

Like the blonde cow.

I was sitting on a bus, browsing my phone, when the cow meme comes up. Naturally, I blow gingerly on my phone in three seconds time.

This earned some strange glares from the people on either side of me, who could see my screen; and some even stranger ones from the people who couldn't.

My cow-blowing even earned a 'you're weird DX' from a small child, who even scooted as far away from me as he could get. At this, I smiled, said thank you, and moved to the other side of the bus.

Now, you may think that sarcasm would be a bit harsh in the case of a small child, but it wasn't sarcasm. I meant it.

Now, taking my seat between a young guy, about twenty years of age, and a fifteen-ish looking girl, who was wearing a MCR shirt.

They looked pretty friendly, the guy maybe could be judged as a hipster, he was wearing a beanie and a flannel after all.

The girl definitely could be judged as emo, because she was wearing all black with bright red hair.

So, I decided to social experiment. I did the same thing as I had to the elderly ladies and the small boy.

Allowing both to see my screen, I blew when it became time to see cow Jennifer Lawrence.

They both chuckled, and I even earned a high five from the guy and a 'You're awesome XD' from the girl.

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