Too Rich for Me?

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Bucky A/U (Alternate Universe)

Summary: Bucky is a billionaire but you're not. He saw you at your bakery one day and the rest is history. He's nice and doesn't act like he has money. He wants to bring you home so you can meet his parents, but issues arise when they invite someone from his past to dinner.

Content warnings: language, snotty behaviour of the unwelcomed dinner guest? Alcohol consumption with dinner? You lose your cool at dinner and get mad? I can't think of anything else....

"I don't know about this Buck..." you quietly spoke while you were walking up a large set of stairs, clinging on to your boyfriend's arm, trying not to let your nerves consume you. 

"Doll, try not to worry. Everything will be fine, I promise" 

Bucky re-assured you as you got to the top of the staircase that led to his parents' impressive house. You smoothed out the light blue sundress you wore in the hopes it didn't look too wrinkled from the drive over and shifted the box of pastries you were holding in your hand. 

To say you were nervous was a severe understatement. Meeting parents of your past boyfriends usually was nerve wracking for the first few minutes, but then you settled in nicely. The whole day leading up to this point, you've had an uneasy feeling about this, and you couldn't shake it.

Bucky spoke briefly about his Mom and Dad to you. He never really mentioned them a lot to you over the few months you have been with him, but they heard he was dating someone new and wanted to meet you, so he set up a dinner so you could all meet. 

You only knew his mom's name was Winnifred and his dad was George and that was about it. Truth was, he wanted you to meet his sister Becca first before his parents. He thought the two of you would be great friends, but his parents found out and beat him to it.

Bucky and his family come from old money meaning they have a lot of it and have always had a lot of it and you, well, you've had to scrimp and save every penny you've ever had come your way. Things haven't come easy for you in life, but you manage to make it work. Your bakery and café are doing well, but you are still cautious with your spending.

You met Bucky at your bakery and café you own about three months ago when he came in for a snack and a quiet place to relax. The two of you got to chatting, and here you are, a few months later and you're dating a successful businessman. 

Bucky doesn't walk around like he has money, nor does he act like it. In fact, you were shocked he told you what he does for a living since you never got a successful CEO vibe from him. He's completely down to earth and manages to do things himself. He likes cooking and cleaning, he clips coupons and even drives an older slightly beat up truck. You urged him to buy a new truck when the one he currently drives broke down on the way to get you for one of your dates causing you to have to pick him up at the auto shop and drive, which you were perfectly fine with. 

His answer was "I like this truck. Not ready to let her go" and he'd pay to get it fixed. 

He could care less about the money he's earned and has access to since he lives a simple life. To him, you fit into his life perfectly.

Bucky opened the large front door and helped you in. 

"Mom, Dad?" he called, his voice echoing slightly down the halls. You were impressed with the house as there was a large foyer you found yourself standing in. A housekeeper came up to you and took your box of pastries from your hand as she left the two of you standing alone, looking at each other. A grand staircase that led to the second floor was off to the side followed by some large art pieces and a large hallway that you presume leads you to the kitchen and living room areas. 

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