Emergency Contact

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Bucky A/U - Detective Bucky

Summary: Bucky gets injured on the job - an undercover mission gone wrong. You're still listed as his emergency contact even though you broke up a while ago. He wants you back.

Content warning: Language, injured Bucky, Bucky was kind of a jerk to you before, hospital stay with slight description of injuries (Nothing gory), second chances

You don't know why you were rushing towards the hospital at breakneck speeds in the middle of the night, but you were. 

Feelings of uncertainty, nervousness, and dread washed over you like a wave as you fought through them, took a deep breath, and squinted your eyes to focus on the road in front of you.

You were jolted out of bed by your phone ringing and ringing, so you decided to answer it. It was Steve Rogers. 

You hadn't heard from Steve for well over a year. He was rambling on and on, but you managed to focus on some of his words in your sleepy haze. 

"Bucky, injured, really bad, surgery, hospital" was all you heard that made your heart sink. 

"Bucky's been injured?". 

You shot out of bed and listened to him tell you where he was. 

"Real bad this time" was all you registered as you stood frozen in your bedroom but hen you snapped out of it.

"Steve, why are you telling me this? We broke up, remember? That was over a year ago." 

You reminded him. 

"I know, but you're still listed as his emergency contact at the station" he said, and you rubbed your eyes then let out a sigh. 

"Fine. I'll be there in half an hour"

You parked and ran into the emergency room and saw some of the other officers standing around, unsure of what to do with themselves. They cleared their throats as they saw you and you heard a few whispers and muffled voices. 

"Where is he?" you asked to no one in particular, and Sam stepped forward. 

"Y/n, he's in here" Sam said as he walked up to you and guided you to a darkened hospital room. 

"You look good Y/n" he quietly said

You gave him a sad smile. 

Sam was always so nice to you. Sam looked at you sympathetically as he reached out and pulled the curtain back, revealing your former boyfriend lying in a bed, hooked up to a bunch of machines and tubes.

You gasped at the sight as your hand slapped across your mouth, suddenly feeling like the room was going to swallow you whole. You composed yourself as you looked to the floor to steady yourself. 

"I'll leave you then. I'll be right outside if you need me" 

Sam gently patted your arm and left you alone in the room. 

The only sounds you heard was the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, the oxygen tube that was helping him, and drips of liquids from various IV bags. 

You wanted to burn those sounds from your mind as you slowly made your way to the side of the bed.

You raised your head and took in Bucky's features as your eyes raked over the man laying in the bed in front of you. He let his thick chestnut hair grow out, making you want to run your hand through it to comfort him, but you stopped yourself, he wasn't yours anymore. 

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