Gym Time

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Avengers Bucky

Summary: Bucky pushes you hard at the gym for an upcoming mission you're brought in to assist the team with. You're more of a curvy/plus side person that some of the other agents whisper about but Bucky doesn't see you like that.

Content warnings: Language, body image issues/insecurities, gym bros, reader is insecure but Bucky helps, Bucky is kind of a flirt, fluff

"Alright, listen up. We have some help joining us for our upcoming mission next month" announced Steve. 

You could hear everyone in the conference groan at the captain's words. You stood out in the hall with two other male agents who were also going to be joining the mission. They were on the Bravo team with SHIELD, were freakishly fit, and had years and years of combat training doing stealth missions.

You didn't really have any special combat training but were selected by both Steve Rogers and Nick Fury to assist the Avengers on this upcoming mission. 

You had no idea Captain America knew who you were, but you were proud he took notice of your abilities enough to have you as part of their mission team.

You avoided eye contact with the agents who stood before you while they smirked at you. You knew you weren't the most fit person in the world. No matter what you tried doing in the gym, nothing seemed to work for you in terms of toning up your body, so you left it alone. 

You always thought of yourself as the "chubby" one of your friend group, even though your friends and fellow female agents were supportive and nice, you always were self-conscious about your body. 

You felt awkward in front of the buff agents as they seemed to whisper and stare at you from their spot in the hallway. You looked down at your feet as you pushed the thoughts of feeling useless and chubby out from your mind, something you do a lot of. You knew you were good at your office job, but whenever it came to the physical part of your job, you had zero confidence in yourself. 

You were trying to change that, but it was hard getting over years of being made fun of and being made to feel like you didn't belong.

As you were looking at your feet, the door to the conference room swung open to reveal a smiling Captain America on the other side. 

"Agents" he nodded to the two men and when his eyes met yours, they softened. 

"Agent Y/l/n, good to see you" he warmly said making you blush a little. 

"Come in, meet your team" 

He waved you into the room. 

You followed the two agents and walked into the conference room, feeling everyone's eyes on you.

You were trying to hide your nervousness while you shifted your weight from your left to your right side and you cleared your throat. You looked at the people sitting around the conference table and your eyes were wide. You saw Sam Wilson smiling brightly while Wanda sat next to Agent Romanoff, seeming to eye you up while a pair of cool blue eyes watched your every move. 

It was Bucky. Bucky was going to be on this mission. Of course, he was. 

You had admired him from afar for so long, it felt like you were looking at a statue and not a real-life person. His eyes didn't stray from yours as you stood there trying to hold it together under his intense gaze. 

You noticed his eyes as they scanned your face, then moved down your body, seeming to size you up making you feel vulnerable and self-conscious.

Bucky had come by your office from time to time, getting information for his missions, idly chatting with everyone, flirting a little with your fellow agents. Every time he saw you, he would ask for his files, wait patiently, then leave; you were never on the receiving end of his flirtations or smiles. 

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