Too busy for me?

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Summary: You've been working a lot lately and Bucky is getting nervous you don't want to see him anymore and you're making up excuses. Bucky sees you with another man at a restaurant and jumps to conclusions.

Content warning: Language, implied cheating (but not, you'll see :-)), angst with a happy ending

"Sorry, I can't Friday night Buck. They have me making my final presentation to the group of delegates. If we get this account, the company makes a butt load of money, my bosses are happy, I get the promotion, and I can finally sleep again!" you said to your boyfriend of only four months while you paced your office. 

"Fine then" he pouted. 

"Bucky, it'll be back to normal soon, I promise" 

"I know doll, I just miss you" he whined a little, which made you smile to yourself. 

"I know, I miss you too"

You had met Bucky at a café when you accidentally bumped into him, spilling both your drinks all over your clothes. He helped you clean up and bought you another coffee, you got to talking, and the rest was history. 

The relationship was new for you, but you loved spending time with the slightly grumpy and clueless super soldier. It wasn't easy for him to open up and tell you about himself, but he has over the short amount of time you have been with him, and you were starting to fall hard for him. 

You met his friend Sam a few times here and there, and thought he was great. Nothing compared to when those two would hang out together as you chuckled at their relationship. Bucky was always so serious and a little grumpy, where Sam was joking, carefree, and a lot more relaxed. 

Their personalities clashed, but you saw the care and love of two dare-you-say, best friends?

Over the past month though, your work was keeping you plenty busy. You were part of your acquisitions team for your investment company, and you were working on signing up a new VIP client. 

You told Bucky you would be busy, and he knew it, but you had only seen each other twice in the past three weeks and it was taking its toll on your new relationship since you missed him like crazy. Every time you tried scheduling a date, something always came up with your work making you cancel plans. 

You either had to take a last-minute flight, run a last-minute meeting, or work late into the night. 

Bucky stopped by for a few of those late-night work sessions and brought food and coffee to you, which you were eternally grateful, but that wasn't the same as going out on dates and hanging out with each other.

"I swear this will be over soon" you pleaded to Bucky. 

You had been breaking a lot of dates and ignoring Bucky lately and you felt terrible, but this coming weekend would be the last of it since their decision was going to be made in the coming days. 

"I gotta go Buck, Mary is calling me into her office" 

You saw Bucky roll his eyes at you. 

"I'll call you when I get home?"

"Ok doll, talk to you later" he said before ending the Facetime call.

Bucky knew you were committed to him, but he always worried you were making up excuses not to see him. His insecurities sometimes got the better of him, that's why, his mind was racing as he thought about you cancelling plans again. 

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