Knife You

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Avengers Bucky

A/n - This was a reader request and I can't find out from who so apologies.

Summary: Your best friend Bucky has a bad nightmare and stabs you during the night.

Content warning: Language, stabbing/blood/injury, angst, little fluff, sad and stressed Bucky

"I don't know how you do it" 

Sam shrugs as he finishes his breakfast. 

"What do you mean Sam?" you asked. 

"Well, just that I know what he's capable of. I've seen it. I don't get how you can just go in there, settle him down, and continue like it's nothing" he shakes his head. 

"Sam, he's my best friend. I HAVE to help him" you finished your coffee. 

"Well, I just want you to be careful. He can be unpredictable Y/n" 

Sam takes his bowl to the sink and washes it. 

"You tell us if anything happens" he eyed you up before leaving the kitchen.

"Will do" you saluted him, then gave the finger to his retreating back. 

Sam was right though as you thought about it. Bucky was unpredictable, but he would never hurt you. He's said so himself. Sure, he sleeps with two of his knives by his side, but he told you he's been doing that for the past 70 years and he hasn't hurt himself or anyone intentionally, so you shrugged it off. 

You trust him as your friend and partner.

You and Bucky were floormates, and mission partners. He was your best friend at the compound. You did a lot of things together, even sleep together. 

Well, not THAT kind of sleep together, but you wouldn't mind if your sleepovers turned into that one bit. 

You had feelings for the man, but your fear of losing his friendship outweighed them, so you left them alone. You didn't want to complicate things with you and the super soldier. He was still adjusting to life at the compound, a life he finally got to re-claim from his past which you were thankful for. 

The man had been to hell and back and deserved the world as you smiled to yourself.

You knew he had nightmares since the first night he arrived. You didn't bother him the first few weeks of his arrival, but you were losing sleep because of his nighttime screaming and yelling which would keep you awake. 

Then, one night, you had had enough, and you busted through his door and helped him calm down. The poor man was a sweaty, hot, nervous mess as you consoled him from his nightmare. You held him close to you, telling him he was safe, and no one would hurt him, which was all true. 

He seemed to relax and ever since then, you and Bucky had been inseparable. 

You're no stranger to nightmares yourself, so you know what he is dealing with. Occasionally, Bucky would talk to you about them, but you never pushed him to talk which he told you he was forever grateful for. Everyone else always asked him question after question and he was sick and tired of talking about it, but he never got that from you.

He first asked you to stay with him a few months ago, and you were a little shocked. 

He was shy about it, coming to you in your room and sitting down on your bed. He asked if you were busy, which of course you weren't, then he told you to meet him in his room for a movie night. You were tired and Bucky asked you to stay with him, so you ended up falling asleep next to him, and the rest was history. 

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