Nurse Bucky

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Avengers Bucky

Summary: You slip and fall in your shower, injuring your back. No one but Bucky is at the compound to help you. Bucky gives you some pain medication for your back (consensual and totally legit/fine), but you take a few of them because you say they aren't working. You end up feeling a little too good when the pills kick in, but being the gentleman Bucky is, he takes care of you in a wholesome way to keep you safe. Confessions are made and you make Bucky blush.

Content warning: Language, suggestive/implied sexual behaviour, nakedness (but it's ok because Bucky is a gentleman and helps you), you make Bucky *ahem* - excited, adults sharing a bed/room (again, consensual), pain pills are taken (but nothing like an overdose or anything like that).

"Ok listen up Y/n and Bucky. FRIDAY is getting an upgrade to her system today and into tomorrow, so you'll be without her. Think you can handle that while we're away?" Tony asked and you glared at him. 

"Tony, we'll be fine. It's just the two of us here, nothing is going to happen. You have extra security in place around the compound and we can live without asking her a million questions for one night" you re-assured him, and Bucky nodded.

The team was heading for a conference in Washington, but you and Bucky were the ones staying behind. Someone had to keep an eye on things while FRIDAY was out of commission. Tony was working on another security upgrade to the AI, and this was a large one that would take 24hours to do. He started it earlier in the day and there was only another 16 hours to go. Once it was done, he would be notified, and FRIDAY would be up and running. Seemed simple enough. All you had to do was live without FRIDAY for 24hours. 

You were perfectly capable of that.

"You good Bucky?" you asked, and he smiled and nodded. 

"If you need anything Buck, there's your phone, or you could ask me, I don't mind" you smiled, and he nodded. 

He was terrified of asking you things since he had a small crush on you. Ever since you helped him on one of his very first missions, he fell for you. You were kind and patient when he was suiting up. You showed him how to work the comms and never left his side. 

Ever since then, he'd been gathering up the courage to ask you out for a coffee but that was five months ago. You were so nice to him, welcoming, funny, smart, and he thought you were beautiful. He felt like such a loser, unable to ask a girl out, something he used to be good at, so he kept back and observed, listening in to your conversations and admiring you from afar.

"Ok, we'll be leaving shortly. If you need anything, wait" Tony sassed leaving the kitchen. 

"Have fun!" you called, and he waved over his shoulder. 

You saw the jet leave and flopped down on the couch. 

"So, what do you have planned Bucky?" you asked while Bucky sat down on the chair opposite of you. 

"Not much. Going to work out for a bit then supper and I think I'll finish reading my book"

 "Sounds like a good night. Want a workout partner?" you asked, and he nodded smiling brightly at you.

After your workout, you left Bucky in the gym and walked back to your room, eager to shower and change out of your sweaty clothes. You and Bucky were going to make some pasta, salad, and garlic break for supper, one of his favourites after you got yourself cleaned up. 

You stepped in the shower and proceeded to wash of the grime from the day when you turned funny, slid a little, but your balance was off, causing you to slip and fall hard into your bathtub. You landed heavy on your left shoulder and heard it pop while you screamed out in pain. You dislocated your shoulder. 

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