Christmas Baking

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Avengers Bucky

Summary: Bucky helps you bake Christmas cookies since you get a cold. He has no idea what he is doing.

Content warning: Language, established relationship between reader and Bucky, FLUFFFFF

"Oh my god Bucky, there were so many germs" you whined as you got home to your shared apartment. 

"It wasn't so bad doll".

You gave him a sideways glance.

 "Buck, they were touching everything with their gummy hands and breathing on us, some even coughing without covering their mouths!". 

You shuddered taking off your tactical gear. Bucky grinned slightly at you knowing how much of a germaphobe you are. He doesn't get colds or viruses thanks to the serum running through him, but you do. You haven't been sick for a while but when you do, you go down hard.

You, Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Nat had just returned from an elementary school visit. Part of a community outreach program Tony started where team members hang out at a school for a few hours, visiting, schmoozing, taking photos, helping out, having fun, etc. for photo ops and "good press" and it was exhausting. You weren't a fan of children in general, so these days were really trying on you where you had to be happy and fake smile in front of children the entire time.

You and Bucky had been dating for over a year and you were living in your own apartment, away from the tower. Grateful to be away from the chaos of the team and other agents. 

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up".

He ushered you into the bathroom. 

"I better not get a cold from today" you muttered as you brought in your bathrobe. 

Bucky smiled lightly. 

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Just relax for a bit" he re-assured you and you gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. 

"Thanks" you whispered, and he hugged you back. 

"No problem". 

He turned on the water for the bathtub and dumped a bunch of your bath products in it. 


He left the bathroom, leaving you to relax and soak on your own. 

"Going to start dinner" he called out down the hall just as you slid into the bath. 

"Go for it" you mumbled back, relaxing in the hot warmth.

After your bath, you and Bucky ate the dinner he prepared. 

"I gotta start decorating for Christmas soon, then baking" you said in-between bites. 

"Not sure if I want to bake first then decorate or decorate then bake" you asked, and Bucky smiled. 

You knew the answer to that since Bucky had a bit of a sweet tooth. 

"Bake then decorate" you both said at the same time giggling. 

"I'll help you tomorrow" 

He cleared your plates and cleaned up. 

"I'd like that. I'm making shortbread and gingerbread" you said getting out your grandma's recipe book and placing it on the counter with the other ingredients, so they were ready to go. 

You've had your grandma's recipe book since she passed away a few years ago and you cherish it dearly. It's full of family recipes, handwritten notes and tips, and sticky pages. The book is one of the only things you have left from your family. You finished cleaning up and prepping for your bake fest and sat down on the couch to watch some TV with Bucky resting his head on your lap.

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