Cleaning Lady - Part 2

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Bucky A/U - Billionaire Bucky

Part 2/4

Summary: You're Bucky's cleaning lady. Bucky needs to clean up his act and get it together or his mother will remove him as CEO of Barnes Investments. There are a bunch of fundraising and gala events the company is hosting and Bucky needs a sophisticated date to them. At the first dinner event, you low James away with how you look and act as he introduces you to people. Bucky slowly realizes he may have some feelings for his cleaning lady.

Content Warnings: Language, Bucky is a bit of a jerk, ALPINE

The sound of your alarm snapped you out of your thoughts when you reached over and tapped your phone screen. 

You had been up for the past hour, thinking and stressing about the day. James had texted you last night to meet him at his penthouse for 9am. You don't know why you were nervous since you've been cleaning his penthouse for the last six months, but this felt different as you snuggled under your bedding in thought.

 Your stomach flip flopped as you groaned then got out of bed to clean yourself up. You had spent some extra time in the bathroom, shaving all kinds of things, doing your makeup a little more dramatic, and you made sure to put on some extra deodorant and body lotion to soften up your skin. 

You read somewhere in a magazine one time that if you were ever trying on gowns, you should put some effort into your appearance to make you feel good as it would help you visualize what you would look like in them. Sure, it may have been for wedding gowns, but a gown was a gown in your opinion. 

After surveying your look in the mirror, you dressed casually in jeans and a sweater, put on your comfortable shoes, and headed over to James' penthouse.

"Hi" you said just as the door opened in front of you, revealing a casually dressed James Barnes on the other side. 

James looked you up and down then said a "Hello" to you.

He was dressed in black fitted pants and a blue buttoned down shirt, no tie. Alpine mewed at you and ran away as you made your way to the living room. You had no idea what he had planned and were a little confused since you saw two dress racks in his living room and a pile of shoes, clutches, and other accessories spread out on the coffee table. 

"Y/n, this is Stella and her partner Dante. They will help you pick out some gowns for the galas" James said then he looked down at the phone that was in his hands. 

"Oh, we're not going shopping?" 

"No, I had them bring some picks here instead" 

James replied, not looking up from his phone. 

Damn, there goes my Pretty Woman dress up montage

"Y/n, good to see you, come here" Stella ushered you towards the couch. 

She started pulling dresses off the racks and holding them up to you while she muttered to herself in French while Dante was fussing with your hair and scouring the shoes and accessories. 

"Ok, I'll be back later" James announced making his way to the door. 

"Y/n, pick whatever you want. Stella knows to add it to my account." he said before he left through the door. 

"Ok" you called over your shoulder.

You looked over the chaos in the living room and was a little overwhelmed. 

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