I'll Be Back - Part 5

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Summary: Bucky is SHOOKETH to say the least. You've returned and Laura isn't too pleased. You adjust  well to your old home and routine. You get the help and healing you need, but are guarded with Bucky. You did see him kiss Laura and that felt like your heart ripped out from your chest, so you focus on healing yourself. Laura becomes more jealous and obsessed with Bucky

Content warning: Language, slight injuries, angst/feelings, shocked/relieved/sad Bucky, angry and jealous Laura

"Holy fuck!" 

Bucky yelled taking a few cautious steps over to you. 

He had to blink a few times at the vision in front of him. 

"FRIDAY, get everyone here immediately, it's an emergency"

You smiled lightly. 

"Is it really you?" he asked, and you nodded. 

You looked over at the other girl in the room but were quickly interrupted by grumbles and groans from the incoming Avengers.

"What is going on Bucky?" groaned Steve with Sam behind him. 

"Look" was all Bucky said as they turned to face what he was looking at. 

"Holy Shit!" Tony yelled.

Everyone came running over to you, hugging you, checking you out, touching your face, everyone was talking at once, you were unable to get a word in.

"Ok, give her space" barked Tony as everyone took a step back from you. 

Nat held onto your arm and was smiling brightly at you. 


"We thought you died" Steve grabbed your hand in his and squeezed it. 

Bucky stood there in shock like he was looking at a ghost. Laura was at his side, patting his arm but you didn't really notice since everyone was all around you, asking questions. 

"One at a time" shouted Tony

Everyone quieted down. 

"From the beginning"

You told them what had happened to you, from when the blast occurred, where you were kept, your captors, to how you escaped, everyone hanging on your every word. 

Once you finished, they just looked at you, unable to say anything. 

"Well, that was a nice story but I'm going to bed" chirped Laura who walked out of the room. 

"Who was that?" you asked, staring at Bucky. 

"No one" Sam replied, and Bucky looked at him funny. 

"Anyways, how did you get in here?" asked Steve and you smirked. 

"I guess my thumbprint and ID still worked." 

You shrugged your shoulders. 

Tony looked down at his hands and shrugged with a small smirk on his face. He never told anyone he didn't have the heart to remove your security information from FRIDAY.

"Tomorrow, you'll be in the lab with me. We're going to go over everything, check you out, and then we can see where you are both mentally and physically. Of course, you're free to do whatever you'd like, but we'd love to have you back on the team, if you want to" Tony said, and the group nodded. 

Bucky kept his eyes on you, unable to move or say anything. He was absolutely shocked you were in front of him, standing in the same room as him. 

"I'd like that, Tony. I know this is a huge shock, but I'd like to get my old job back if you'll have me. I want to make sure I am in peak physical condition so I should start on training and conditioning." You quietly said. 

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