Photo Shoot Fun

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Avengers Bucky

Summary: You're a photographer doing a fundraising calendar photo shoot with the men of the Avengers. One that was tasteful and another calendar that was of the steamy variety. You catch the eye of Bucky.

Content Warning: Language, fluff, nervous Bucky but he calms down with your help, steamy poses for the calendar. It's all consensual.

"Bring in the stuff for the next scheduled shoot for tomorrow" you called to your assistant George. 

He smiled and nodded as he went into a back room and searched for the boxes labelled "Props for Avengers".

 You leaned back in your office chair and rubbed your eyes with your fingers as you stretched your back and let out a sigh. You had been working back-to-back-to back photo shoots for a few weeks and this was your last session before taking a few days off for a well-deserved break.

George came into the office and plopped the big box down on an empty table then wiped a bead of sweat off his brow.

"Those the props?" you asked getting up from your chair. 

You inspected the box. 

"Guess so?" he shrugged.

You opened the lid and rifled through it. 

The box was delivered a few days ago to your loft space and you were dying to open it up to see what they had in mind. When you opened it, there was a Santa hat, a cupid's bow, a pot of gold, pumpkin, and a bunch of other random seasonal items that were jammed into it as George peered over your shoulder and chuckled at it. You groaned and scowled at the box of seasonal items. 

"Not another calendar shoot" he grumbled.

You smirked at him. 

"Yup" you popped the 'p' as you put the accessories back into the box and closed the lid.

"God, I don't know if I can do these anymore" 

You placed the box back down and looked over at your work calendar. You eyed up the empty few dates after tomorrow's shoot and let out a sigh. 


George looked at you funny and shook his head. He knew you had been pushing yourself over the last few weeks and were longing for a day off.

You had been contacted by the Avengers PR team with the hopes of making a charity calendar that could be sold and the profits would go to help local charities. They also wanted a steamy photo shoot as well, like the firefighter ones you have done in the past. 

Those calendars would be auctioned off at various charity events, and not available to the public to buy. You had done hundred of calendar photo shoots over the years and they made you cringe with the overall cheesiness of them. 

From firefighter calendars, to pet shelter calendars, to the cringy calendar photo shoots of farmers and their plows, you've seen and done them all. Obviously, the firefighter shoots are the most exciting for you as you get to look at chiseled gods all day, but that's besides the point. You knew who the Avengers were, you didn't live in a cave, but you were curious to see them up close and in person. 

Were they going to be grade A douches? Boring? Scary? Conceited? You were a little anxious to say the least.

"Fine. Do we know when they're coming in? I mean I have the entire day tomorrow blocked for them like I was told, but no one gave me an exact time of when they were starting" you said scowling at the box. 

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