A Merry Christmas Mr. Barnes - Part 2

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Bucky A/U - CEO Bucky

Summary: Your grumpy boss finally relaxes a little and starts to like Christmas again, thanks to you. There is also something he's been meaning to ask you...

Content Warning: Language, Alpine, slightly less grumpy boss

You were busy helping with the toy drive which was organized by Mr. Barnes' mother Winnie. She was a sweet lady. She reminded you of your mother who sadly passed away a few years ago. Winnie visited the office every so often, chatting with the employees and making small talk before and after she visited with her son. She was always so kind and welcoming. 

The toy drive was something Mr. Barnes started a long time ago as another way to give back during the holiday season. 

He wasn't that bad of a Grinch or scrooge. 

Each employee would bring a brand-new toy to the office, and it would be wrapped and delivered to the shelter in the neighbourhood before Christmas. You also decided that this year, in addition to the toy drive, you would do small care boxes for the seniors of the shelter who didn't have anyone to celebrate with and Mr. Barnes loved the idea.

"I don't think I can wrap another thing" you huffed out as Winnie smiled at you then sneakily placed a few more toys in front of you to wrap. 

You couldn't say no to her, so you playfully rolled your eyes but smiled as you went back at it. 

"I think this is the most successful toy drive ever".

She patted your arm. 

You had the toys organized into ages and the senior care packages organized into male and female boxes, with some gender-neutral ones as well. You looked over the boxes and smiled proudly at the generous response from the employees of Barnes Inc. 

Nat was on the other side of the large conference table still wrapping her pile while Mr. Rogers and Mr. Wilson lugged the filled boxes down to the lobby for pick up. Sure, you could hire people to take it all, but they wanted to contribute and help so you used their muscle and had them lug the boxes.

Meanwhile, Mr. Barnes was in his office on a conference call, but it soon ended which he was grateful for. Tony Stark was always a talker and it made James cringe whenever he had any meetings with him.

James stood at the entrance to the conference room and smiled fondly at you and his mother chatting away to each other while wrapping gifts. It made him happy that you both got along so well. 

Nat elbowed Steve as she saw James smiling at you and Steve's eyes lit up, then a grin was plastered on his face as he put everything together. 

"Don't" Nat quietly warned. 

"What?" whispered Steve. 

"Leave him alone and let him figure it out. He's been through a lot. He doesn't need you teasing him and hovering" she said, and Steve pouted. 

"I don't hover".

"Yes you do".

Over the next few weeks, you went out for festive after work drinks with Nat and Wanda from HR to celebrate the season and baked up a storm to give to the HR, IT, and finance departments as a thanks to them for being great to work with. 

You added a few more decorations to your desk area and you saw Mr. Barnes scan them every time he walked by. He couldn't say anything since they're on your desk, but you did see him smile lightly at the slightly wonky looking toilet paper roll reindeer your four-year-old nephew made you for your desk.

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