Always a Bridesmaid...

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Bucky A/U

Summary: You're maid of honour at your friend Nat's wedding. You always seem to be a bridesmaid or maid of honour for everyone else but you don't mind. You just always wonder when it will be your turn.

Content Warnings: Language, fluffy feels, established relationship with Bucky, soft and sweet Bucky

A/N - I've seen this trend on TikTok and felt like writing about it.

You stood in your room looking over your maid of honour dress, making sure it wasn't wrinkled or squished in any way. You did not want to steam it again since it took way too long the other day. Time you didn't seem to have enough of with the rehearsal dinner and last-minute issues you had to deal with.

You were the maid of honour in your friend Nat's wedding. She was marrying Steve, the love of her life, and best friend to your boyfriend, James, or Bucky as you called him. 

Steve and Bucky were best friends since they were in elementary school and were inseparable. They went to school together, worked together, started their company together, and did everything together. 

When Nat first came and told you she met a guy, you were happy for her. In meeting her boyfriend, you also me his friend Bucky, and the two of you hit it off as much as they did, it was like fate. 

Many many double (and single) dates later, you and Bucky have been together for almost two years.

"You ok in there?" came Bucky's voice from the doorway. 

You scowled at the dress as you fussed with it. It was a rose gold chiffon long gown, with simple spaghetti straps and beading on the bodice, and a slit on the right side of it. 

Simple and elegant, it fit you perfectly. It would soon become part of your other dresses you had worn to your friends' weddings over the years as you ran a hand down the front of the dress. You had a closet full of other dresses you had worn at other weddings, unsure of what to do with them. 

The famous saying of the brides you wore them for was always "You can wear the dress again" which was a total lie. 

Yeah, not sure where you would wear a dark purple sparkly short cocktail dress, seeing as you worked from home as a website designer but at least you had something in a pinch. 

Really nice sitting in on your Zoom calls in that, but you appreciated their thoughts. 

You kept the dresses because of the memories. 

Perhaps your future kids would play dress up with them as you smiled at the thought. You were always the bridesmaid and never the bride, until you met Bucky. 

Now, it was only a matter of time, then, hopefully, it would be your turn.

"Hey Buck" 

You stopped fussing with the dress and smiled over at your boyfriend. 

Bucky came up behind you and hugged you tight to his chest. 

"What cha doin'?" he whispered in your ear.

"Just making sure the dress is ok for tomorrow" 

You turned to him, stood on your tippy toes, and kissed his nose. 

He giggled then you squirmed out of his grasp. 

"Are you ready for tonight? Do you have your speech ready for the wedding? When are you showering? Is your suit ready?" you grilled Bucky. 

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