Cleaning Lady - Part 4

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Bucky A/U - Billionaire Bucky

Part 4/4

Summary: You're humiliated and feeling low from the events of the last gala. Bucky tries to get you back, but will you accept his forgiveness? Help comes from an unlikely source.

Content Warnings: Language, ALPINE, Bucky apologizing/groveling 

"James Barnes' real life Cinderella"

"James Barnes swept off his feet"

"Who needs a Fairy Godmother when James Barnes is around?"

"I swear these headlines are getting more and more ridiculous"

Winnie slapped another newspaper down and scowled at it. 

For once she wasn't embarrassed by her son's actions. Well, she kind of was, not for the company or the family image, but for Y/n. 

She knew you didn't deserve the ridiculous headlines and negative attention.

"Is nothing private anymore?" she stated out loud while Rebecca sipped her coffee in thought. 

"We could go after the papers, social media, reporters? Ask for privacy? I'm sure the office will be buzzing with activity over this. I could get Thor and Loki to beef up security?" Rebecca added and Winnie scowled further. 

"I need to think about this" Winnie said finishing her coffee. 

"Let me know what you decide"

Rebecca got up and put her plate in the sink. 

"Talk to you later mom" she left the kitchen. 

Winnie contemplated phoning James as she thought he had enough to deal with, so she decided to leave her son alone...for now...

"Look, another one" came Steve's voice from the door as he walked into James' office holding his phone. 

The Instagram post from an entertainment blogger already had thousands of likes and comments on it. 

"It doesn't have a snarky headline, but the photo's nice?" shrugged Steve.

James snatched his phone to look at the screen. It was a photo of you and James before you walked into the ballroom where James leaned down and whispered in your ear. Your face was relaxed, a little pink, you had your mouth open, and your eyes were closed, listening to James' words as you held his arm. 

James thought it was a nice photo of the two of you as he handed Steve's phone back to him. 

"What are you going to do Buck?" asked Steve and James let out a sigh.

He tried calling you multiple times and texting you, but there was no answer. Finally, after James threatened to send police over to your apartment for a wellness check, you gave in and texted him telling him you were fine, and you wanted to be left alone. 

"She won't take my calls or return my texts" James huffed.

Steve sat down. 

"The look on her face broke me" James rubbed his temples with the pads of his fingers. 

Steve knew his friend was upset. James looked terrible, worse than if he came into work hungover like he used to. His eyes were bloodshot, puffy bags and dark circles were present, and his normally fitted tailored suit was rumpled and creased. 

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