Knight Commander

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Bucky A/U - he's a Knight Commander of the King's guard

Think Bridgerton meets Cinderella in this story...

Summary: Your mother has all but given up on you finding a suitable husband and deemed you a spinster. Her focus is now on your younger sisters in finding their matches. You attend a ball hosted by the King and Queen in honour of their son, Prince Steven in the hopes he can find a suitable wife. Someone else sets their sights on you that's not the prince.

Content warning: Language, your mom is kind of mean as are your sisters

"Father, I don't want this at all. I don't need your help." 

Prince Steven pouted as he flopped down in front of his father's writing desk. 

James stood at the entrance of the room with a small smile on his face watching his friend closely. 

"Nonsense Steven. You're well past the time to find an eligible wife. You're getting older and I want you married and settled down" 

King Joseph sighed. 

"I already sent out the invitations. It's too late to cancel." 

Queen Sarah added making the Prince roll his eyes. 

"UGH!" Steven groaned. 

"James?" asked King Joseph. 

The Knight Commander stood a little taller as his King addressed him. 

"You'll accompany my son at the ball, yes?" 

"As you wish" he answered his king. 

"There might be someone for you at the ball James" 

Queen Sarah smiled at her son's best friend and protector. 

"Perhaps" he nodded. 

"Can I go now?" asked Steven as the King waved him out of the room. 

"I hope this works" 

King Joseph said holding onto his wife's hand. 

"It will my love, for the both of them" Queen Sarah replied squeezing her husband's hand.

"I can't believe we got invited to a ball at the Royal Palace!" your sister Lily swooned while she was getting her hair done by one of the maids. 

"Believe it sister" came your other sister Violet. 

You sat and smiled to yourself while you listened to your sisters talk about the upcoming night. 

"What do you think Y/n?" asked Lily interrupting your thoughts. 

You shrugged. 

"The invitation said every eligible maiden and lady is to attend. I think the King is making the Prince choose a wife." 

"Really?" squealed Lily. 

"Well, it's about time. I heard he just got back from a tour of the lands and has finished his schooling." 

Your mother spoke traipsing through the room to look at the progress her daughters were making.

Every gathering you attended was always a fancy affair with gowns, jewels, dancing, and gossip. You liked attending them, but you were painfully shy and not a lot of prospective men liked the shy wallflower.

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