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"We're too late , idiot . PT sir is gonna chop us " Jacob said as he held Hema's hand tightly , running towards their class at his maximum speed .

"Why didn't mom wake us up !? It's all her fault !" Hema whined as she struggled to match his brother's pace. finally they reached the school.

" YOU TWO !! LATE AS ALWAYS " PT sir shouted which made the two to stand like a statue at the same spot.

"Sir it's just that..." Hema tried telling something but soon got interrupted.

"Let me complete that you overslept because your mom didn't wake you up , am I right ? " PT sir asked as he glared at them.

" Wah ! sir how did you know this ? you are great " Hema exclaimed . but soon...

"SHUT UP !!! I'm tired of scolding you two . Just look at you guys. One is still in her bed hair and the other one has a head band . Who comes to school like this ?" PT sir sighed as he looked at the kids who were looking at each other in confusion.

 Who comes to school like this ?" PT sir sighed as he looked at the kids who were looking at each other in confusion

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(Something like this... For her)

(Jacob like this

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(Jacob like this ... Still he's cute...)

" oh ! sorry sir . I totally forgot about my hairstyle " Hema smiled sheepishly .

" I'm done with you guys. even if I punish you , you guys won't change . Just leave from here , at least don't be late for your respective classes . Go to your respective classes. "

with that those two ran to their respective classes . Luckily , they weren't late for their classes. before the class starts , they reached their place.

In cafeteria,

Hema , Kaira and Maisy were chitchatting in canteen . Now , they were discussing about the project they got from today's class . All got partner in their project. But here our HP have no partner because she gave name at last .

And here she is blabbering about the project... The problem is no one is listening. Both Kaira and Maisy were tired of hearing this same shits again and again .

While blabbering her attention went somewhere else around her. She saw SP walking towards the canteen and without any thoughts she shouted his name .

HP : SP.......!!!

With this noise not only SP but everyone in the canteen turned towards her. Everyone were staring at her and now she understood her mistake

HP : oh ! Sorry all . I didn't see you all here.

With this confession, she got extra weird look towards her . So she ran from that place towards SP who was still wondering what she's upto.

HP : Hey 👋🏻

SP: what was that idiot?

HP: I'm sorry , I thought only you will hear me .

SP : how in the hell u thought like that ? Sometimes, I wonder what's running in your mind . You are totally different than others , you know , right?

She just shrugged 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ and started matching with his walk.

SP: okay , now tell me . Why you called me ?

HP: yes , about that . I want your help SP. Actually today our science staff gave some project to us . Each project should be done with partners . But one unlucky girl have to do it alone cause she don't have partner . 😕

SP : oh ! Let me guess the unlucky one 🤔🤔🤔

SP : haah 🤔 it's you , right ?

Hema : yesh 😭

SP : and why did u choose me for help ?

Hema : just like that 🤷🏻‍♀️

SP shajed his head and thinking about how to help her.

SP : okay ! We'll do after our class everyday and it might take 1 hour.  Is that okay with you ?

Hema : yes !!! Absolutely fine . So shall we start from tomorrow right ?

SP simply noded his head ..

SP : anyways , why were you left alone in the project  ? Why don't you pair up with your boyfriend?

Hema hitted his shoulder because of irritation.

Hema : why the hell you are calling him my boyfriend? I gave my name at last for the project and that's why I didn't pair up with anyone .

SP : you both are behaving like that . So it's not my fault , everyone were shipping you both ( he rolled his eyes )

Hema : but we are not couples 🥺😡

SP : who knows ?

After telling this , he left her and passed down the stairs like as if he don't know her . This made her anger even more higher

Hema : Hey ! YOU ......... Where are you going ?

But SP didn't listen her and left her like he didn't hear her. But here she is yelling like anything and getting weird looks towards her.

After a while she was happy and went back to her class where she seated with her girls . While class  , her full thoughts were wander about that certain boy who irritated her a while ago. But soon she diverted herself by someone calling her name.

Kaira : Hey !

Hema : yes babe

Kaira : what's going on with you ? I can see clearly .

Hema : it's nothing like that . I just thinking about some idiot

Kaira : why the hell in between class you are thinking about SP?

Hema : how did u know ? 👀

Kaira : it's  just clear ... Everyone can see.

Hema : 😶😶

Kaira : okay . Now tell me

Hema : I don't know either .  I feel something towards him but I can't understand what it is .

Kaira : don't worry . We'll find it out together.

Hema: okay . But don't tell Maisy. We'll tell her later after we find out what my problem is.

Kaira : ok ok . I understood . 1st you should spend some quality of time with him to know what you feel. How are you going to do that ?

Hema : don't worry babe. I planned everything already 😌

Kaira : and am I honoured to know what it is ?

Hema : you sure , yes . As u know I don't have partner in the project and I asked him to help me with that. And he told ' yes '.

Kaira : he told yes ??? Wow ... Then utilize this time to know about your feelings , babe.

Hema : yes babe ... I will

Maisy : Hey ? What you two were talking for a long time without me ?

Kaira : it's nothing big. We were just teasing our staffs . Right , babe ?

Hema : yes yes . 😅

Later they send some time together and had fun  in cafeteria with HP 's brother before going home..

(Author : what do you think it is ? We'll see soon )

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