It's been a while bud

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The sound of iron chains and heavy breathings is the only sound that could be heard in the depth of this dark placid forest where no soul exists. A girl standing there with a devilish smirk on her sinistically beautiful face creeping out the man beside her.

Aah, I'm so tired. I just wanna sleep right here, let's call some of our men to finish this already.
Upon listening to his words the girl diverted her gaze from the pumping heart which she was holding in her right hand to the man making him regret instantly for what he just said.
Oh my mine, I love this look of fear in your eyes Mark. The girl said, crushing the heart in her hands with a playful grin.
You're lucky that I'm not in the mood of killing anymore people today but never ever throw tantrums in front of me. She said, pinning him to the tree with rage in her eyes.
Yes Queen. He said, gasping for breath.
Hang these three dead bodies in the middle and the other nine unconscious ones around these and make sure that the police find these nine bodies alive alongwith these dead ones.

Y/n's pov;
As I was talking to Mark I heard a faint sound of a girl screaming for help through the woods, so I followed the sound and saw a girl chained to a tree all bruised up.

Mark; Oh my god Is she Mrs park?
Stop tearing my eardrums Mark, I can see that. I let out a sigh of frustration and moved towards the girl and bent down to her level.
I see the kidnapper is really brave who dared to kidnap the wife of The Park Jimin, she said while caressing the left cheek of the terrified girl in front of her.

Please help me I am pregnant please save me and my baby I beg you.
Mrs park said, crying.

Well well Kim Y/n never does anything for free, She said with a sinistic smirk on her face.
I will give you whatever you want just save me. Mrs park said, joining her both hands in front of her making
Y/n's smirk wider.
After listening to her y/n took out a small knife from her pocket, she held Mrs park's hand ready to make a cut on her palm but got interrupted by Mark.

Mark's pov;
When I heard Mrs park saying that she'll give anything Y/n wants, I got froze at my place cause I knew where it was going, suddenly flashbacks started flooding in my mind.

15 years ago;
A boy was passing by the garden of his parents' friend's house but stopped when he heard the sobs of a girl, him being a soft hearted person approached her. Hey girl why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere? said the 13 year old boy to the girl sitting in front of him. The little girl lifted her face upwards and damn the boy's body left his soul after seeing how cute and mesmerizing the girl infront of him was.

Who are you? She asked cutely to the unknown boy standing in front of her. Me! he asked pointing at himself. No the tree behind you. Said the girl and let out a chuckle, making the boy's heart pound at 2x speed. Umm I-i-i'm Mark, he said nervously making the girl extend her hand towards him for a handshake. I am Kim Y/n a 12 year old girl she said smiling widely. The boy just chuckled at her cuteness and asked her why she was crying making the girl drop her smile.

Everyone hates me nobody wants to be my friend, they all are scared of my parents. They say my parents are criminal they murder people. (Y/n belongs to a mafia family) after seeing her sad face he couldn't resist himself from asking her to be his friend (little did he know that he'll pay a very big amount because of this friendship).

y/n was on cloud nine after hearing him and started jumping around but stopped suddenly making him confused, she took out a small knife from her pocket and made a cut on her palm making him a little scared and asked him for his hand but he hesitated making her chuckle. Don't be scared that's just a ritual made by me which means that we are promising each other that we'll be best friends forever. She said, smiling at him. He hesitantly forwarded his hand making her grab it and made a small cut on it. Ah it hurts, I said looking at the blood oozing out of the fresh cut on my hand. Then she joined our hands mixing our blood.
Now we are best friends forever, she said excitedly. Yes we are, I uttered smiling at her. Years passed and our bond got stronger and stronger each passing year.

Her sinful soul__a J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now