Happy ending

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What happened to her? Why she fainted out of blue? Jungkook asked the doctor who just came out after checking Y/n.
It's nothing serious, It's just her blood pressure dropped and she fainted and also she has some minor injuries. The doctor replied.
Don't let her take too much stress and also prevent her from getting hurt, it's not good for her baby. The doctor again said, looking at Jungkook.
Umm what? Jungkook asked with a confused face.
I said don't let her stress. The doctor replied.
No, after that. Jungkook again asked.
Prevent her from getting hurt as it's not safe for her baby. The doctor replied with a confused look.
Baby? You're mistaken, doctor. She doesn't have any baby. Jungkook said with a clueless face (ugh this dumbass).
Oh yeah, it's an embryo. The doctor replied with an awkward smile.
Jungkook; Embryo?
You dumbass, she's pregnant. Mark said with an annoyed look.
Jungkook glared at him and again faced the doctor.
Jungkook; Is it true?
In return the doctor nodded his head and said; yes Mr Jeon, she is five weeks pregnant.
Pregnant? A mere whisper left his mouth and a warm smile placed on his well sculptured handsome face.

And I would recommend you to check her by Dr hwa young as she's her doctor who's been checking her for last two weeks. The doctor said.

Upon listening to the doctor, Jungkook's smile dropped.
She knew it that she was pregnant but she still hided it from me. Jungkook thought in his mind and clenched his fists.
Can I meet her, doctor? Jungkook asked him with a not so good tone.
Yes, you can. The doctor replied nervously.

As Jungkook entered the room, he was going to snap at Y/n but stopped after seeing that beautiful smile of her.
How would your papa react when I will tell him about you, baby? Y/n said caressing her belly with a soft smile.
As Jungkook was walking towards her, their eyes locked with each other. Jungkook froze on his place.
Were you saying something? Y/n said smiling at him.
Jungkook; Yo-u yo-u yo-u....
Hmn, me? Y/n said still smiling at him making the poor man's heart beat at a faster pace.
You are beautiful. Jungkook blurted out and cursed himself internally.
In return Y/n chuckled at him and held his hand in hers making him sit beside her on the bed.
She caressed his hand with her thumb making a whole zoo jump in his stomach. (Again the lover boy behaviour🗿)
Calm down, kook. Y/n said hugging him, his lips curved upwards.
She placed his left hand on her belly still hugging him.
Our mini version, she whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. His cheeks and ears turned red.
Two years later;
Yaah! Jeon fucking Jungkook, take this little monster with you. Y/n shouted from the kitchen.
Wha-What happened, Jaan? Jungkook said panting heavily as he just sprinted from upstairs to the kitchen.
See by yourself. Y/n said with an annoyed look and pointed her index finger behind the kitchen counter. She is wearing Jungkook's sweatshirt which is too big for her size and black shorts, her hairs are tied in a high messy bun. Her one hand is on her waist.
My cute Jaan, Jungkook chuckled kissing her head and tilted his head to look behind the kitchen counter.
Oh my gosh, Ara baby. What have you done? Jungkook said laughing at his one year old daughter who is playing on the floor covered in ketchup and some spilled on the floor.
As Ara lifted her head up, a giggle left her mouth after seeing her father.
Pa-pa, she said and spread her arms towards Jungkook.
My bunny, Jungkook said and lifted her in his arms.
Y/n was smiling at the daughter father duo but again made a stern face when Jungkook turned towards her.

Why are you so grumpy, Jaan? Small kids are just curious. That's why she did that, right baby. Ara was staring at him with her doe eyes as she don't know what her father just said.
Whatever, Y/n rolled her eyes.
Go and give her a bath, till I'm preparing lunch for us. Y/n said cleaning the mess created by Ara.
Yes boss, Jungkook said and left from there with Ara in his arms.
Y/n let out a chuckle and again started cleaning the floor.

Time skip to night;
Did she sleep? Jungkook asked, working on his laptop.
Yeah, finally that little bunny has slept. Y/n let out a sigh.
She really troubles you a lot. Jungkook let out a chuckle still not moving his gaze from the screen.
Afterall she's your daughter. Y/n said snatching the laptop from his lap.
Yaah! Jaan, give it to me. It's important. Jungkook said trying to take it back from her but Y/n shut it and put it on the table.
Important than me? She asked with raised brows and sat on his lap.
You too know that there's nothing important than you, Jaan. Jungkook said pulling her closer to him.
Yeah yeah, she said and kissed his forehead making a beautiful smile to appear on his face but that smile turned into a smirk after looking at her mischievous grin.
Someone was tired a while ago. Jungkook said standing up from the couch with her legs wrapped around his torso.
In return Y/n giggled and gave a smooch on his lips.
I love you, my Jeon. Finally those three words left her mouth which he was craving to hear, just once in his life.
I love you more, Jaan. A beautiful smile took place on his face which she mirrored.
They both were giggling, kissing each other but Ara's cry interrupted them in between.
Ugh, not again. Y/n let out a frustrated sigh making Jungkook chuckle at her.

So guys let me tell you;
Two years ago, Taehyung made it, he won against death. Y/n took care of him till he healed completely.
Everyone got to know the truth and they all cried hugging Y/n and pampered her with a lot of love and care.
Jimin was the most devastated one, he cried hugging her for almost five hours when he got to know that his bud was never wrong.
Mrs Kim apologized to her for three months everyday and finally Y/n's
heart melted and she forgave her.
Mr Kim too was feeling sorry for always nagging her and ignoring her. So, Y/n comforted him saying; it's ok old man, you weren't aware of anything.
And about Mark, he didn't show up for almost two months out of guilt. And when he met her after two months, Y/n gave him a nice beating and later they both cried hugging each other.
Mrs Choi, Iseul and Kwan got united with Mark.
Now, Mark has his own gym and a boxing club and beside that he is still Y/n's p.a (by his choice).

Jin fell for Iseul and proposed her but she rejected him saying; she is not a good match for him and beside that she's a single mother.
But Jin didn't give up on her and made her realise that she deserves to be happy like others and about being a single mother. He doesn't care about it. He accepted Kwan with his whole heart and married her.
They both are living a happy life now.

And as always our lover boy Jungkook is whipped for his Jaan and even Y/n isn't less than him, she too is head over heels for him. She behaves like a teenage fangirl around him.

And finally our cute little Ara's pics;

And finally our cute little Ara's pics;

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____Finally our story finishes here, it took two months to complete it

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____Finally our story finishes here, it took two months to complete it. I'm so happy, thank you so much for reading my story. Also let me know in the comments how this story was? It was my first ever ff. Please point out my mistakes so I can improve myself.

Let's meet on my next story. It's gonna be a Jungkook, Taehyung and Y/n story. Two vampires and a young college girl. Are you ready guys?

And once again thank you____😊

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