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It's been a week, since Y/n took Sana with her. Jimin and Mrs Park have pleaded, begged and done everything to get back their daughter but to no avail. Y/n haven't even let them see a glimpse of Sana.

What the fuck is happening here? and who the fuck removed the board from the company? Shouted Taehyung looking at the chaos in his company.
We are doing what the owner ordered us to do. Replied a man.
And when did I order you? Taehyung asked the man.
Not you, the owner of this company. Again replied that man.

Upon listening to him, Taehyung raged and shouted; What is this? Mrs Han.
Sir they have legal papers which say that, a girl named Miss Kim Y/n has 69% of shares of Kim enterprises.
How the fuck is it possible? Said Taehyung throwing a vase on the floor making Mrs Han flinch.

Power of money which Kim Y/n has in a huge amount. A voice came behind Taehyung.
After listening to the voice, Taehyung clenched his jaw and balled his fist.
She's the one who owns the most shares, an employee of Kim enterprises whispered in other's ear and then they immediately bowed in front of her. Y/n just smirked and moved towards Taehyung.
Oh my mine, Mark look at your dear best friend. How pathetic? Tch tch.
Y/n said making Taehyung to glare at her.
Mark just looked at Taehyung with sadness in his eyes and then lowered his head.
Ok, I don't have time to waste. So, I'll get straight to the point. Y/n said staring straight in Taehyung's eyes.

It's my birthday present, from you which you unknowingly gave me by doing that CRINGE thing, my dear brother. Y/n whispered with a playful grin on her face.
Don't you dare call me brother with that filthy mouth of yours. Taehyung whispered back with rage in his voice.

Y/n just rolled her eyes and said; you can work as my secretary or you are free to leave the company.
I would like to starve on the streets rather than working for you as your secretary, Taehyung said.
Okay leave this, I have something more interesting to tell you. Not something it's two things. Y/n said.

First, don't worry, your friends Suga, Namjoon and Jin are facing the same situation as yours.
Second, tomorrow I'll take over Jung enterprises and Park entertainment as I need some rest now.
Y/n said and left from there with a proud smirk on her face.

I'm sorry Tae, I feel like shit cause I can't do anything. I'm sorry. Mark said hugging his best friend.
You don't have to feel sorry, it's her who's to blame not you. Taehyung said caressing Mark's back.

As Y/n reached her Mansion, a maid came running to her and said; Mam, Sana baby is crying constantly for hours and is not drinking milk too.

Y/n just rolled her eyes and said, this little thing and went towards her room.
As Y/n entered her room she saw Sana crying loudly in her nanny's arms.
Give her to me and get out of here,
Y/n ordered the nanny.
The nanny immediately gave Sana to Y/n and left the room and Y/n locked the door.

After seeing Y/n's face Sana stopped crying and stared at Y/n's face with those big eyes of hers making Y/n nervous.
Why are you crying, hmn? And even starving yourself. Y/n said poking the little girl's nose.
Are you missing your mumma?
Sana just uttered ma-ma and again started shedding tears with little sobs making Y/n panic.
Oh no no, baby. Don't cry see, Y/n said making funny faces.
After seeing her making faces, Sana started giggling and clapping her hands.
And then Y/n fed her milk through nipple capped bottle and played with her and then made her sleep on her chest and slept herself too, caressing her head softly.

As expected, the big family of best friends is sharing their sadness of losing there companies. Y/n said entering Jimin's house with Sana in her arms and Mark behind her.

After seeing Sana, Mrs park rushed towards Y/n but Y/n stopped her saying don't even try to touch her.
What are you doing here? Jungkook asked with grited teeths.
Oh come on, no greetings and won't you congratulate me for taking over six biggest companies of South Korea in just three days. Y/n said handing Sana to Mark and took some cards from his hands.

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