Her smile is so beautiful

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Every single eye was on them, but did it affect him? Not even a bit. He just did what he wanted to without caring about anyone.
Jungkook pulled her towards him and started kissing her aggressively still gripping on her neck.
First y/n was shocked but then smirked in satisfaction and kissed him back.
Adrienne; Finally she accepted that she too likes you.
After all it's my plan, Jimin said, entering the class with namjoon.
Namjoon; And mine too.

Namjoon; Yaa, stop eating each other's face, it's been five minutes now.
Jungkook parted and smirked at Y/n and she too did the same.
But then she punched him in the stomach saying this is for choking me.

Jungkook; ouch it hurts.
Y/n; That's why I did it.

Explain, Y/n said with a raised eyebrow to Jimin.

Jimin; then let me tell you, how this idea came to my mind.

Flashback; a few days ago.
At Jungkook's house;
Jungkook; hey jimin tell me what this feeling is, whenever I'm around Y/n my heart beats so fast. I even have those dark thoughts about her.
Jimin; congrats bro.
Jungkook; Huh?
Jimin; you're in love man.
Jungkook; And how can you say that?
Jimin; Cause I know that.
Jungkook; it's nonsense.

Oh really, then tell me is it ok with you if she gets in a relationship with a guy and then they do those dark things which you fantasise with her, Jimin asked with raised eyebrows making jungkook to look at him furiously.
Jungkook; I'll never let that happen, she's mine only mine.
Jimin; woah! woah! control yourself bruh, and you yourself accepted that you love her.

Jungkook; yeah, I realised it after listening to you. But nothing can happen cause she doesn't love me back.

Jimin; Then let's see if she loves you or not.
Jungkook; How?
By making her jealous, said namjoon while entering the room.
Jungkook; and what if she doesn't give a damn about that?
Namjoon; then just move on from her.
Jungkook; yaah hyung, don't say like that.
Jimin; I have an idea.
Namjoon and Jungkook both said in unison; What is it?
Then Jimin explained his plan to them.
Jungkook; Are you sure that it will work?
Jimin; Of course, after all i planned it.
Namjoon; And how are we gonna get a girl?
Jimin; my friend Adrienne is joining our school in a few days and I'm sure she'll help us.
Flashback ends.

And when we asked her for help, she gladly accepted it.

Y/n; So you guys did this shitty act, hmm?
Y/n; And you Jeon, What dark thoughts do you have towards me?

Want me to show you practically? Jungkook asked smirking at her.

Namjoon; ok guys, see you after classes as our classes are going to start in 3 minutes.
Jimin; yeah and you my dear Y/nie, be ready by 6:00 pm, I'll pick you up and then we'll go for a long drive.
Y/n; I'll drive.
Jimin; Did you forget that your dear father has cancelled your driving licence?
Y/n; who cares.
Jimin; then see you later.
And then Namjoon, Jimin and Adrienne left for their classes.

Jungkook; it's not fair baby, we just started dating and you're going on a long drive with jimin.
Y/n; Dating? You didn't even propose to me.
Jungkook; be my girlfriend.
Y/n just rolled her eyes and sat on her seat.
Jungkook; yaah reply to my proposal.
Y/n; yeah yeah it's a yes.
Jungkook; Now cancel your plan with jimin.
Y/n; not gonna happen.

And that's how their day went by bickering with each other and later
Y/n went for a long drive with Jimin
and Suga too accompanied them.

A few weeks have passed since Jungkook and Y/n started dating.

It's the summer season and their summer holidays have started a few days ago.
All of them have gathered at Jin's house as Jin and Suga has something important to say.
Suga; So basically, we have called you guys here cause me and jin has made a plan for a trip to Jeju Island for 11 days.
Jin; And it's on me and Suga, I've booked a resort there and Suga is going to pay for food.
Then I'm in, Jungkook said excitedly.
Taehyung; me too.
Jimin; me three.
And like this they all agreed except for Y/n.
And what about you Jaan? Jungkook asked Y/n.
Y/n; When are you leaving?
Jin; next week.
Y/n; then I'm coming too.
Ok then it's decided we are leaving next week. I'll send you the tickets tomorrow, said Suga.
Yaah Y/n, why aren't you picking your father's call?
Y/n; cause I don't want to.
Mark; he's really angry, and want you their in 20 minutes and it's a warning girl.
Y/n; aah this old man, let's go then.

Her sinful soul__a J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now