flashbacks of sweet bitter moments

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It's night time making the atmosphere of the living room more cold with dim lights. Mrs park is sitting in front of 7 men on sofas once again confused since that incident happened.

So you're saying she was there and also made your wife promise a wish to her, said the man with daddy vibes who can make a girl wet for him by just looking at her.

Are you guys for real, said jimin with annoyance in his voice. She was there in front of me, i even talked to her.
And if you still don't believe me then see the cut in my wife's hand and ask her about the name of the girl who saved her.

Yes he's right said Mrs park while holding her husband's hand to calm him.

Hey guys did you see today's news highlights, said the man with a bright and charming personality.
At least be serious for once hoseok, we are talking about "her" not a fucking news which isn't even important, said the man with pale skin and scary aura.

I know how serious the matter is yoongi and I'm saying that because I think it's related to "her" cause the incident took place in the same forest where she saved jimin's wife hoseok said with coldness in his voice.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes, after listening to him.

Guys be serious, we are not here to argue, and hoseok, you tell us the news you were talking about a while ago said the man with wide shoulders and a well sculptured mesmerizing face.

So, I'll come to the point straight, nine badly injured alive bodies with three dead bodies were found hung upside down with "queen" carved on their arms on trees in that same forest, by a group of people who went there for hiking.
Mrs park was horrified by the information which just busted in front of her.

It's "her" work, because when I saw her, her whole body was covered in blood and she also had deep cuts all over her body. Her state was like she'll die soon if didn't get treated immediately, but her being arrogant was still smirking with pride in her eyes. Jimin said with sadness in his voice.

What else can we expect from a merciless monster like her, who doesn't even give a damn about the people who love her, said the most handsome man, ever a person could have seen, with hatred in his eyes and rage in voice.

Jungkook's pov;
When I heard Jimin saying how badly she was injured. Something twitched in me. But when I heard taehyung's voice, hatred took over me. How she devastated me, how she made me a devil which I never wanted to be. I hate her more than anyone can imagine. I hate you Kim Y/n.

Mrs park's pov;
After hearing everyone i don't know why my heart is not still believing that she is a murderer, heartless person or whatever they are calling her. Maybe because she saved me and my baby or maybe those eyes of her.
I still remember when she looked at my baby bump for the first time, how her eyes softened, how sadness took over her, just for a second.

I don't think she's a bad person, I said making everyone snap their head towards me. Jimin was looking at me with sad eyes, like he too agreed with what I just said, but then Jin started laughing like i cracked a joke making me confused and then stopped suddenly and stared directly in my eyes with that hard look making me scared a little.

You are saying that cause you don't know her yet. It's her speciality to first make people love her and then break them. Do not sympathize with her cause she doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy, said jin with hardness in his voice.

Then tell me what type of person she is, what made you hate her so much that you don't even want to take her name. Mrs park said with desperation in her voice, making jungkook to chuckle.

Too desperate aren't we? sister-in-law, said jungkook making her frowned.

She also said the same line to me last night, I said looking at jungkook. But I couldn't hold eye contact with him cause his eyes were scaring the shit out of me.

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